Example sentences of "they get " in BNC.

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1 It was a place of solitude , of plodding donkeys ( even today no cars are allowed on the island ; nor would they get very far if they were ) ; cold water and kerosene lamps .
2 It is easy to see how they argue it — how else would they get a home and a car and some spending money ?
3 Where do they get it from ?
4 The question is : can they get it to work a second time ?
5 Of the British-born Black artists , who went to art school , how did they get in and how did they get on ?
6 Of the British-born Black artists , who went to art school , how did they get in and how did they get on ?
7 How much did they get ? ’
8 ‘ How did they get hold of this so damned fast ? ’
9 How can they get away with saying such things ? ’
10 And where did they get so many Stars and Stripes , not , surely , a commodity much on sale in the socialist republic ?
11 ‘ And where do they get such equipment ? ’ one of the Muslims shouted .
12 Election ‘ 92 : Why did they get it wrong ?
13 Who are these pollsters , how do they work — and how could they get it quite so wrong ?
14 How much did they get again ? ’
15 How did they get there ?
16 Where do they get their partly refined alumina from ?
17 When they get ill , what sort of illnesses do they get ?
18 If others came along and interviewed the same people on the same topics , would they get the same responses ?
19 Apparently they blast you with hormones , so Moira 's pal says , to make you ovulate and everybody is sitting around going , ‘ how many eggs did they get out of you ?
20 How do they get from one to the other ?
21 Neither , therefore , can they get up and move about .
22 Margaret panicked , she 'd got the wrong number , the wrong place , the wrong advertisement , why did n't they get off the line , why did n't they leave her —
23 When I told them that he was a chemist , one boy asked , ‘ Could n't they get a proper teacher , then ? ’
24 Why could n't they get down to the important stuff right away ?
25 Where did they get them , a jumble sale ? ’
26 How did they get in there ?
27 Where did they get their information ?
28 ‘ Why do n't they get a job ? '
29 Those wavering voters who were made nervous by Kinnock 's Boyo Valley exuberance are comforted by the dignified but determined way in which Mr Smith , the Edinburgh attorney par excellence , reassures them that , as it were , not only will they get the house , they 'll get custody of the children as well .
30 The recession has made small practices particularly vulnerable , as they lose fee income through clients ' going out of business ; nor do they get paid for work in progress , says Ernst & Young insolvency practitioner Alan Lovett .
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