Example sentences of "they should " in BNC.

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1 And one of the main advantages of these very compressed and arduous courses is that they give students approaching drama school entry an opportunity of seeing what will be required of them should they gain a place at drama school .
2 Removing them should also be quick by simply depressing the sleeve of the holder in the direction of the arrow so the bit can be pulled out .
3 Hong Kong says that only a handful of them should qualify as true refugees fleeing persecution , while the rest are ‘ economic migrants ’ escaping the pitiful poverty of their home country .
4 The garden for them should feel like an extra sitting room , gnat-ridden perhaps , damp occasionally , but an important overflow of living space .
5 Anyone wanting to find if there is a judgment against them should contact the Registry at 173-175 Cleveland Street , London W1P 5PE .
6 The statement went on to give full support to APEX 's decision to limit the number of pickets ; the TUC wished to stress to all trade unionists that any action by them should be at the union 's official request .
7 Many look upon them as an opportunity to put training into practice , or as a means of getting their first introduction to the tasks that will face them should they be posted to Northern Ireland .
8 SUBTERFUGE Newspapers and journalists serving them should use straightforward means to obtain information or pictures .
9 INTRUSION INTO GRIEF Newspapers and journalists serving them should avoid intruding into personal grief except where this is justified in the public interest .
10 Like everything else on Barbados , life is very relaxed for the pair of them and they are never on a lead , but perhaps one of them should be tethered !
11 All of them should be easily obtainable from good garden centres .
12 His zeal for the American design had even extended to the suggestion that a batch of them should be sold to the Shah of Iran .
13 I had suggested in the note that , as it was then three-fifteen , rather than their breaking camp , one of them should drive back and take me to where they were for the night and back to the village next morning .
14 For this reason it is a good idea to have emergency telephone numbers written clearly where they are easy to locate as you may not be able to remember them should the need arise .
15 The rule for identifying the relevant variables was given in chapter 12 : when we are assessing the direct effect of one variable upon another , any third variable which is causally connected to both variables and prior to one of them should be controlled .
16 I knew that I wanted neither , but was n't sure that I had the strength or conviction to refuse them should they be prescribed .
17 Rags and dusters with polish , window-cleaning liquid or white spirit on them should also be removed .
18 Charlotte then employed every sign that she knew to tell the other fishermen that none of them should put to sea on that day , to no avail .
19 An elderly parent living alone invariably has problems to cope with , though , in some area of life , and ideally the people to help them should be members of their own family ; people who know their character and understand their needs , those they do not have to make an effort to relate to and trust , and who can move around freely in their homes , to sort through the various ‘ pockets ’ of their anxiety more easily than any stranger can do .
20 Where you take them should , within reason , be left entirely to them .
21 Again , in the evening , times of meals and who is to share them should be decided before she moves in .
22 The Panel 's decisions are creating a kind of accounting case law , and the reasons for them should be given formally and more fully .
23 HP-style credit is really money lent to buy things — and credit agreements which left the lenders any rights to take possession of things bought under them should be seen as if those things had been bought on mortgage ( ‘ chattel mortgages ’ ) ;
24 She agreed to try a behaviour chart and identified that each of them should sit in their own chairs , eat their own food quietly , and not interfere with each other .
25 Little wonder then that those who seek peace ( that is the absence of violence ) between nations as well as within them should look to law as a means of regulating and reducing the international use of force .
26 First , came the Secondary Heart which would sustain them should their original heart be destroyed in combat .
27 You are so shit-scared of homosexuality and so utterly stupid , small-minded and screwed-up that your only reaction to ‘ faggots ’ is that ‘ every one of them should be electrocuted or shot ’ .
28 Now the poor economies are known to be not so poor as had generally been supposed , more of them should be invited to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( whose membership is currently confined to the 24 ‘ industrial ’ countries ) or to attend the annual economic summit of the leaders of the G7 .
29 France has shown some sympathy ; an independent nuclear power , it has never accepted the notion that Russians and Americans between them should run the nuclear affairs of the world , let alone the post-Soviet world .
30 Consequently capital owners or allied groups directly tied to them should control the state in industrial society and run it in their own interests .
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