Example sentences of "'s as " in BNC.

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1 Tortured by the regime in South Africa , Roche has written a book about it , and now , in the Caribbean , has joined the firm of Sablich 's as a welfare worker , whose job is to define and to publicise the firm 's good intentions toward the community .
2 Richard Crossman , manager of the Border brewery , Berwick , joined Mann 's as a partner , being joined a few months later by a friend from Berwick , Thomas Paulin .
3 The old revolutionary slogan ‘ All power to the Soviets ’ is as much Mr Gorbachev 's as that of the radical reformers .
4 Helen Thomas 's As It Was is a principal source .
5 A new Church of England Church had also been erected at the southern end of Sutton Lane , and was named St. Michael 's as the money for it had been realised by the sale of St. Michael 's Church in Burleigh Street , London , which had been associated with St. Martins-in-the-Fields .
6 So we send out Stein 's photo as Tweed , and Tweed 's as Stein . ’
7 Chapter 35 of Bede 's De temporum ratione is the locus classicus of the concept of the ‘ ages of man ’ , the medieval division of human life into a number of distinct periods best known to us today through the speech on the ‘ seven ages of man ’ by Jaques in Shakespeare 's As You Like It ( Act II , scene 7 ) .
8 In Shakespeare 's As You Like It , for example , the melancholy Jacques describes old age as :
9 In answering this criticism Prince Charles would have been of impeccable good manners in employing the seven degrees of retort by Touchstone outlined in Shakespeare 's As You Like It .
10 Set against the British Rail 's as yet unapproved plans for a single specially constructed high speed line between the Channel Tunnel and London look rather modest although work is underway to electrify the three main trunk routes between London and Glasgow to take trains at up to 225kph .
11 Freight delivery times to the Continent could be reduced substantially by using rail transport through the Tunnel rather than road haulage to one of the North Sea ports although the degree of benefit is dependent on British Rail 's as yet unannounced charges for its new Continental freight services .
12 You can enjoy the convenience of paying Access , Visa and Mastercard at Sainsbury 's as well as cash , cheque or debit card .
13 Spring Street , just off Broadway , was fashionable , and no-one could describe Mrs Gutermann 's as other than high-class .
14 In Shakespeare 's As You Like It , Touchstone 's marriage proposal is accepted by Audrey who reveals her desire to become ‘ a woman of the world ’ .
15 Examples are W H Brakspear & Sons whose Henley brewery is ‘ renowned for the quality of its draught beers ’ , T D Ridley & Sons of Chelmsford , Essex ‘ many connoisseurs rate Ridley 's as some of the finest cask conditioned beers available in Britain' , and Wadworth & Co of Devizes , Wiltshire which has a ‘ highly regarded ale portfolio , led by the renowned 6X ’ .
16 Selvey was 10 years at Lord 's as a Middlesex quick bowler and Martin-Jenkins is a member of MCC .
17 Aggie looked helplessly at Ben and he , moving forward and dropping on to his hunkers , brought his face level with Millie 's as he said , ‘ He … he has n't done anything yet .
18 Like EZ-RPC , the PC-NFS version will sit on top of Network File System libraries generating PC-NFS-based remote procedure calls ( RPCs ) or transport indpendent RPC 's as required .
19 Where it can , Pinnacle 's as yet unnamed box will match Sun 's workstation component for component , including memory , disk and screen .
20 In an interview with The Art Newspaper on 28 September , Christopher Davidge , managing director of Christies International , explained , ‘ by the end of the decade we will have a whole set of new clients who will not know the tradition of Christie 's and Sotheby 's as does our current base .
21 Following previous successes with A Midsummer Night 's Dream and last year 's As You Like It — ‘ Left us mesmerised ’ Evening Argus .
22 This is true of well-maintained houses in St Ann 's as well as decrepit ones , but openness to the wind and rain do not mitigate the difficulties of life under such conditions .
23 Damp , cold , rot , decrepitude are as ‘ natural ’ in St Ann 's as is the smoky atmosphere : for all most people know , they have been sent by Providence and must be endured .
24 But I mean , one of the major problems is a fact , these youth training programmes or Y , YP 's as they call them , are alright but they 're not really getting down to the basic er training we need !
25 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
26 She had been a clerk-receptionist phone-answerer-teamaker and she had got the job through her uncle Bob who was as near to being a friend of Thomas Walby 's as it was possible to be .
27 Whiting 's or Whitting 's as it is sometimes spelt has a name that seems to have come down through generations , and one authority tempts to suggest that it may be of Saxon period .
28 By Friday morning the brown satin dress was ready to be fitted , its rare , coppery sheen catching even the perpetual sooty twilight of St Jude 's as Cara folded it in layers of clean muslin and stowed it carefully away in her bag .
29 Molla Gurani 's as kazasker ( an enlargement is given on p. 50 of the plates in Unver ) , for example , can not have been added before 845 , when he first came to the Ottoman lands , and was almost certainly added after 855 , when he held the kazaskerlik probably for the first and only time ( cf. below , pp. 169–71 ) , so that one can not be certain of the date when , or the circumstances in which , any of them was added .
30 Quite a friend of Mr Dysart 's as I recall . ’
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