Example sentences of "she only " in BNC.

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1 This comparison has fazed her , as she only knows about Lee Krasner as the widow of Jackson Pollock ; so the library visit is intended to check out reproductions of Lee Krasner 's work , to see if she has to concede that her friend may be right .
2 She only went down this morning .
3 For Jay , many things in life had been easy , a walk-over , ; she had leapt over and through the academic hurdles and hoops of childhood and teenage with a lazy facility that she only realised later .
4 Did she only feel good because of the unexpected fillip of her highly attractive anonymous new neighbour ?
5 She only wants you safe — ‘ She wants me safe from Jean .
6 My youngest girl has just been operated on and I could n't believe she only had two stitches .
7 Living first in Switzerland and now in Spain , she only really sees Britain when she is here to work .
8 She only asked for one word to be removed . ’
9 Poor darling , she only wants to be taken out . ’
10 She only went yesterday , Billy .
11 She only had to shake a hand to increase the revenue and bring more publicity to the organization than any amount of money could buy .
12 She only changed from an ultra-leftist to an ultra-rightist .
13 Gina was anorexically thin , more through meanness than design ; she only ate when other people provided .
14 He remembered Gina 's summing-up of Eleanor 's character and told her that she only saw people as shits because she was n't woman enough to hold a man .
15 Perhaps she only meant she did n't want to give him her cold .
16 When he finally got her on the phone , she only asked him how he was then said she had to rush , and put the receiver down before he had time to tell her .
17 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
18 She only sent the jacket to spite me .
19 She only hoped that Quincx and Malamute would come back .
20 She only has to wear an outfit once for it to become an instant fashion trend .
21 She only has to express a hint of yearning for a food , fad or fantasy for her fans to start racing after them too .
22 In all that time she only twice took a break from shooting , when she went to Melbourne for her 21st birthday party — a $100,000 family-only blow out at the fashionable Red Eagle Hotel — and a week later for Jason Donovan 's birthday bash .
23 Originally I thought the ground might be too soft for her , making it a real test of stamina , and we know that she only just gets the trip .
24 She only danced once at the Bolshoi Theatre last year .
25 She put up a token resistance , but , knowing that she only existed on his sufferance , opened her mind to him and let him prowl .
26 She only learnt how to put on a bandage last month . ’
27 She only knew one of these girls , who operated a weft loom she serviced .
28 When she said that she only wanted £10 for looking after little Doris , and that her mother could come and visit as often as she liked , a deal was struck and a tearful Evalina waved goodbye to Mrs Stanfield and her small daughter .
29 She only had the one dress , and a cloak , both worn and thin .
30 At first , she only worked on the household duties , especially the cooking .
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