Example sentences of "this case " in BNC.

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1 The artist as critic in this case deliberately avoided the historical context of the pictures she was discussing .
2 This begins with the figure impinging powerfully from a distance , in this case as one walks into St Martin 's at Landshut , more powerfully than other things in the field of view .
3 But he is soon forced to the conclusion that in this case it is impossible to keep the aesthetic side entirely apart from the biographical .
4 The explosive prices for Teddy Bears in the last few years indicate how a market can be created , in this case by a mix of merit and nostalgia .
5 In this case selection is all , or almost all , as space does not allow for extensive description or interpretation .
6 Their work bears witness both to the power of partnership and to the powers of expression which we feel able to attribute to groups , to some circle of friends or literary ‘ school ’ — in this case , the group which was at one time drunkenly designated the scholarship boys , angry young men or hypergamists of the Fifties .
7 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
8 Zuckerman Unbound ( 1981 ) reaches its climax at one of Roth 's frequent funerals — in this case , that of Zuckerman 's father — after which Henry charges Nathan with killing their parent by writing ‘ that book ’ , the liberated Carnovsky , and with believing like the bastard he is that fiction does n't have consequences .
9 But what is the entity in this case ?
10 Because they 're a private school , they can take anybody they like — which is me in this case . ’
11 In this case the necessary yawing movement is caused by the high drag of the badly stalled wing .
12 In this case the spin itself was quite normal , and after a few turns the pilot initiated the recovery by applying the full opposite rudder and then moving the stick forwards .
13 In this case the pilot had possibly pulled about 5 g for 4 or 5 seconds .
14 In this case the instructor brings the aircraft to a stall and applies full rudder as if he is going to spin .
15 The device in this case a Copper-7 is gently inserted into the womb through a narrow tube or ‘ introducer ’ .
16 In this case , however , I have been unable to make the separation and the fieldwork is both empirical and continuous ; it is diachronic and retrospective , taking in the historical with the contemporary .
17 The forces produced in the individual on such occasions , in what Jung ( 1964 ) calls a ‘ journey to individuation ’ , manifest themselves in a number of very persuasive ways and in this case led to some radical reassessments of the existing moral , philosophic , political , and aesthetic order .
18 Simultaneous scores are disallowed ; in this case , one contestant 's punch has missed , so it is not really a simultaneous score at all !
19 However , in this case a decision must be made and is often given on the flimsiest of grounds ( though that is not the fault of the refereeing panel ) .
20 In this case , the referee will stop the bout as soon as you score , so your step-out will occur out of time .
21 In this case , I saw her caught with classic techniques — but none of them scored .
22 In this case , you should put him on to the defensive by maintaining a series of very strong attacks delivered from the correct distance .
23 There is no leeway in this case !
24 In this case , the reality of ( say ) of an orange being behind the breadboard is different from the appearance — which is that of a breadboard leaning against the kitchen wall .
25 If we find cognisance flourishing where there is a set of actions as restricted as those of Christy Nolan 's , then how can reality be something that we posit as the limits of action : in this case a poor actor should have a correspondingly poor grasp of the real .
26 Obviously , if the infant were deaf , blind , without tactile sensations , and totally immobile then the prospects for cognisance would not be very rosy ; but in this case the input systems would fail to function as well , so both constructivists and nativists ( those who believe in innate mental structures ) would predict failure .
27 Mr Wiseman does n't only have the safety of his hands to consider : in this case he might stand to lose his sight or sustain laceration from bits of flying clothespegs , blocks and cramps into the bargain .
28 The body of the tool being black , the ground areas , the bevels , and gouge channels should be a light straw colour in this case .
29 Once again , his work radiates a sense of fun and natural affinity with the subject and the medium ; in this case creamy , beige lime for the Teddy Bear and rich , dark mahogany for the cushion .
30 Even in this case , some work needs doing to the back of the bevel to bring them to optimum usefulness .
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