Example sentences of "this come " in BNC.

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1 Being black has always been in my subconscious , but I 've tried never to let this come to the fore .
2 In e-mail systems it is possible to receive a number of related messages from different people on screen , to then go into a statistical package and do some calculations , and on the basis of this come to a decision which one communicates to a different set of people .
3 The rest of Europe still has this to come .
4 With a cheerful place like this to come home to , thought Nelly , The Two Pheasants would lose its appeal .
5 He did n't want this to come between them .
6 But he meant this to come for only a few days , not for an indefinite stay .
7 Iran wished all this to come under quadripartite negotiations between Iran , Pakistan , the Afghan mujahadin and the USSR .
8 The powers that be would n't want this to come out , not even now . ’
9 And then lead them with this to come with .
10 I , I ca n't understand the secretariat allowing this to come out were told by the president that it was not possible to use this money unless it was grant related .
11 This to come out .
12 just so many bits and pieces to do , I need to come and get this to come and give me some further comments
13 All this came from Lucy in a rush , as if she was giving the background to someone else 's story .
14 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
15 The most obvious manifestation of this came when he remained almost immobile in the centre of the ring while Biggs picked him off with jabs from long range .
16 This came somewhat late to the RUC because of the added security risks its members run by admitting outsiders , and because police authorities in divided societies like Northern Ireland have to be more sensitive about public perceptions of the police and therefore more conscious of the risks they run through research .
17 It was ironic that 1989 saw the centenary celebration of the Fabian Essays of Webb , Shaw , and their comrades ; this came at a time when Britain seemed in more complete reaction against the imperatives of Fabian rationalism than at any time for a century .
18 The importance which Engels attributed to this came entirely from his anthropological sources and really reflects an old-fashioned type of archaeology obsessed with material remains rather than with the general way of life .
19 When this came to light we insisted for a few days that employees should seek permission to leave the company premises .
20 This came about in an equally haphazard fashion .
21 And in the middle of this came the kidnapping of four students , who had to be ransomed from Zairean rebels across the lake .
22 Sunday racing would do wonders ; but when a bill to allow this came to a crucial vote in the House of Lords three years ago , the Jockey Club 's then senior steward , Lord Fairhaven , did not bother to attend .
23 It meant that the Test career of a man aged just 31 , who still had a great deal to offer his country , was almost over ; true , it would be terminated by his own decision to go to South Africa , but this came about only because of his disillusion with cricket 's establishment .
24 This came out without any warning , so I answered , with fake innocence : ‘ Talk about what ? ’
25 In many ways the stimulus for this came not from the miners but from the wool and worsted textile workers who fought against further wage reductions in 1925 .
26 How this came about must remain obscure .
27 I do n't know exactly where this came from , or even whether or not they really were fat .
28 This came together with the permit for fish farmers to enclose part of the waters .
29 When this came it represented the first archaeological exploration ever conducted , a landmark in man 's self-consciousness .
30 Following this came The Jubilee Highway of April 1953 , commemorating the Association 's fiftieth anniversary .
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