Example sentences of "you the " in BNC.

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1 Other things to think about when you 're identifying training alright a handout for you identifying training needs at this stage just to make sure that ya the are still out .
2 yeah , oh I 'll give ya the rest of them there are
3 ‘ Praise ye the Lord to whom all praise is due .
4 This was the earth of which Aleksei Tolstoy wrote : ‘ Know ye the land where all breathes plenty and content , where rivers flow as silver clear . ’
5 ‘ Must give ye the question ! ’ he grinned sheepishly and staggered back a step .
6 We 'd best go on down and I 'll show ye the sittin' room .
7 As I remember , it went , ‘ Do not heed the siren voices of the appeasers but seek ye the enemy within . ’
8 ‘ Look , I 've promised I 'll tell ye the story of that family , and after dinner I will .
9 And it goes on , later on he says , Seek ye the Lord while he may be found .
10 I 'll tell you the whole truth , ’ I answered the Princess .
11 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
12 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may be amused to hear that one of my sons spotted you the other day training with Korchnoi and the Brighton and Hove Albion football team .
13 To give you the total reckoning of it : it is the busy man 's recreation , the idle man 's business , the melancholy man 's sanctuary , the stranger 's welcome , the Inns of Court man 's entertainment , the scholar 's kindness and the citizen 's courtesy .
14 ‘ Wild geese , mon vieux , is what you presume me to chase , ’ said the gentleman to Bramble , ‘ but I assure you the stable door is bolted . ’
15 The Festival now brings you the chance to see for yourself Rik Mayall and Phoebe Cates , in a tale of an imaginary friend with a difference .
16 This year the festival brings you the chance to see a wide and varied selection of the films which will be remembered as the highlights of cinema in 1991 .
17 Long narrow plots often adjoin older properties and this can give you the opportunity of working existing trees and shrubs into the new design .
18 Of course , if you have a young family and feel water might be a hazard , the feature could become a raised sandpit or planter , which naturally gives you the opportunity of converting it at a later stage .
19 The information provided in this leaflet is not intended to be exhaustive , but tells you the basic facts about the IUD on the basis of evidence available at the time of publication .
20 This can give you the earliest possible warning , especially important if you live in a big house .
21 Only one quick injection is necessary to help give you the protection you may need from flu .
22 If the blood test shows you are not immune , one injection will give you the protection you need .
23 And were n't you the dyke who was extolling the virtues of the single life only months ago ?
24 Sometimes this means that a single prohibited action or technique is enough to lose you the match even though no scoring technique has been made .
25 This , of course , is a generalisation ; you can withdraw a powerful kick where the opponent has impaled himself on it , because in this instance recoil gives you the required stability .
26 Have you the paper ? ’
27 Alex — have you the ring ? ’
28 ‘ I brought you the best of what was left , ’ Simon went on .
29 Instead of going into all the details of this stage , which are likely to be inapplicable to other designs , as they are so dependent on personal likes and dislikes , I simply show you the design limits worked out ( fig.1 ) and what I made .
30 Ten thousand pounds will build you the highest column in the world , and will produce an astonishing effect ; fifty thousand pounds would not serve to erect an arch , and when it was erected you would have doubted which , it or the Royal Exchange , was the more magnificent object ; therefore I exhort you to keep to the columnar form .
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