Example sentences of "that both " in BNC.

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1 As for the purchaser , tell him to come to my house and choose another picture — something that both he and I like .
2 It is possible to think that this plebeian has been lent some part of Naipaul 's aristocratic fastidiousness , some part of his hostility , while also suffering the consequences of an exposure to these qualities , and to recall that both Ahmed and the author of An Area of Darkness are preoccupied with the hanks of human shit that litter certain landscapes .
3 Hickey ( 1984 ) and Wright ( 1973 ) grasp the point that both fundamentalism and Calvinism have monopoly tendencies in the public sphere .
4 ‘ Difficult , ’ agreed Henry , ‘ and made more so , I imagine , by the fact that both the Coroner and the Chairman of the Magistrates ’ Bench were there . ’
5 Keep the rudder where it is and allow the speed to increase a few knots so that both you and the student can observe the exact position of the rudder pedals .
6 When you are pregnant , it is possible your GP will suggest a number of tests — an ultrasound scan for example — to check that both you and your baby are in good health .
7 It is this particular way of playing which makes Ashton 's La Fille Mal Gardée what can be called a National Ballet in the same sense that both The Firebird and Petrushka can be called Russian National Ballets and Rodeo and Fall River Legend American .
8 He has decided that the reason Iago proffers for his villainy ( especially the absurd idea that both Casio and Othello have slept with his wife ) are genuine , if deranged convictions , rather than the dispassionately improvised rationalisations of a mind that can not even account to itself for its limitless evil .
9 I was told that both the new right and those who support the Government 's view — that the present blasphemy laws which protect only Christianity should be retained — had been excluded .
10 He has been telling them that both the Soviet Union and the United States have reiterated their support for the league 's plan and that political reform is the only way for the Lebanese to solve their crisis .
11 THE Inland Revenue has decreed that both the ordinary and the preference shares of Sound Diffusion , the electrical company that went into receivership in December , are of ‘ negligible value ’ for taxation purposes , writes Jason Nisse .
12 The serious business of taking the tough decisions necessary to agree on a budget that both puts the deficit on a downward path and meets the government 's priorities has virtually disappeared .
13 The case is made slightly untoward by the fact that both Mrs Cons-Boutboul and her former son-in-law were at one time barristers .
14 Rumours have been circulating that both groups and BR say the link is not financially viable without government funds .
15 There is evidence now that both Paribas and AGF ( Assurance Generale de France ) have been allowed to build up stakes of more than 10 per cent in Navigation Mixte , a holding company with insurance and banking subsidiaries .
16 The first is that both Labour and the Conservatives emerge more or less united — the former striking an attacking pose in the foreground , the latter stoutly closing defensive ranks behind .
17 By the middle of 1924 the Agitprop section of the Smolgubkom was openly declaring that both shefstvo and smychka were a farce in actuality because they had deteriorated into mass weekend outings to the countryside in search of illicit stills .
18 Although she held that both abstract and concrete points of view were valuable , she labelled all Russian peasants as practically inclined .
19 So when it is argued today that the sexual deviant challenges sexual difference by denaturalizing it through parody , the realization of the early modern transvestite that both the deviant and the difference are effects of culture rather than nature is being revived and sophisticated .
20 Nevertheless , despite the fact that a National Government led by MacDonald was the preferred choice of at most one of the three party leaders , the King now knew that both Baldwin and Samuel would be prepared to serve under MacDonald , were the latter willing to continue as Prime Minister .
21 Thus , in examining the more specific factors which have contributed to the aid machine 's lack of success , it is frequently the case that both donor and recipient carry a part of the responsibility .
22 Such an explanation , quite apart from being completely wrong , is extraordinary in the light of the fact that both Marx and Engels warn throughout their work that biological models are inappropriate to human societies .
23 While the example of Kepler illustrates the influence of artistic practice on a ‘ scientist ’ ( which is not Kemp 's primary concern ) , discussion of this instance would have enhanced considerably the author 's argument that both the theory and practice of perspective were significant resources for the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century .
24 Now , Armani is Italy 's new Great Dictator but his genius is that , having handed down his basic dictate — that both women and men look their best in unstructured tailoring applied to traditional menswear fabrics — he has succeeded in turning himself into the Great Listener .
25 ‘ In the medium and longer term , we are optimistic that both productivity and consumption will rise , which in turn will have a beneficial effect on investment , ’ said Mr Brauninger .
26 His only known connection is that both he and Sterling have held shares in Winchmore , a small London company under DTI scrutiny .
27 The drawback is that both the sender and the recipient , if living outside the US , are at the mercy of prevailing exchange rates and foreign banks may charge a commission .
28 The drawback is that both the sender and the recipient , if living outside the US , are at the mercy of prevailing exchange rates and foreign banks may charge a commission .
29 The drawback is that both the sender and the recipient , if living outside the US , are at the mercy of prevailing exchange rates and foreign banks may charge a commission .
30 These things are expensive but the crucial thing is that both my name and the name of the RCN has been cleared . ’
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