Example sentences of "that must " in BNC.

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1 Forward planning and good communication are the two foundation stones that must be in place to guarantee that people ill with HIV have the best choices and continue to enjoy the very best quality of life , wherever they choose to be .
2 There is less scorn in the novel than there had been in the article , and a pity that must have come as surprise to readers of his work .
3 If there is an element of design on Pechorin 's part in the duel he fights , an element which incorporates a knowledge of the loaded dice to be employed by his opponent in the form of an unloaded pistol , the outcome can still be ascribed to chance , in a sense that must be meant to characterise the hero 's fine indifference .
4 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
5 ‘ Well , if it was intended as a distraction , then that must have been the moment when he poisoned his wife .
6 Aristotle was the first to try to naturalize the veins of generality that must structure any intelligible world , by saying that forms in things were individuals , not universals .
7 It is the content specifically of sense-perception that must be taken non-reductively , if the contrast required by our concept of disposition is to be maintained .
8 Perhaps I had spoken to two of the many tourists that must be coming over to pay their respects to this capital of capitals .
9 Despite the humour , which was lapped up by an appreciative crowd , it was a sad spectacle and one that must have left her regretting her comments , when asked about her chances at Wimbledon .
10 The competition will be held at the Old Stores Turnery , Nantwich , Cheshire , with sections for turned boxes , lamps and bowls , and general category for pieces that must include a Goodwoods accessory .
11 Sections 1 and 2 have explained the procedure that must be followed , this section explains the additional tasks that the family may have to perform .
12 In addition to the courtesy the partners show to each other , there are also the courtesies that must be shown to the bystanders on stage during a pas de deux so that such reciprocation can help to focus the audience 's attention on the context of the dance .
13 He can only highlight the atmosphere supporting the plot , especially those circumstances where he has to portray differences between classes and thus general behaviour , idiosyncrasies , etc. , for example the contrast that must be made between the dances for all and sundry in the town square and those for the aristocrats in the ballroom of Romeo and Juliet .
14 And Eliot is still the massive figure that must be circumvented if we are to see Virgil as having exerted a powerful influence on our modern poetry in ways more partial , devious and oblique than Eliot allowed for .
15 For such a beginning writer in such a situation , it may well turn out that a minor master like Landor is more fruitfully instructive than a major master like Milton or Keats : and if it does turn out so , one has a certain debt of honour that must be paid to the past master by whom one was liberated .
16 For as Mao decreed , if power grows from the barrel of a gun , it is the party that must control , and if necessary use , that gun .
17 Bassist Norman Watt Roy , who was the power behind Ian Dury and has a set of eye-baggage that must be the envy of Barry Norman , puts so much into thumping out a rhythm that the sweat drips from the end of his guitar .
18 Sir : A few hours after reading Terry Coleman 's article on the United Nations General Assembly ( 30 September ) , I came across this passage in Trollope 's Barchester Towers , which exactly expressed my feelings , and , I hope , those of many others of your readers : I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for the newspapers … to thunder forth accusations against men in power ; show up the worst side of everything that is produced ; to pick holes in every coat ; to be indignant , sarcastic , jocose , moral , or supercilious ; to damn with faint praise , or crush with open calumny .
19 Fish that must needs bite or themselves be bitten ,
20 Iceland has , therefore , a surprisingly large number of National parks and nature reserves with regulations that must be observed by all visitors .
21 The dog food comes in frozen slabs that must be cut up with a felling axe .
22 They feed from steel bowls that must be filled by dipping .
23 Whilst this is an effective treatment , there are certain comments that must be considered from a scientific viewpoint :
24 What the GLC were hoping to do with London 's transport system now looks quite farsighted , and the learned judge 's remark that Ken Livingstone ‘ had made a naked grasp for power that must not be allowed ’ just silly .
25 POLLING stations 83 and 84 for the village of Hath Qila lie down a dusty track that must be one of the few roads that has not been metalled in the five years that Mr Rajiv Gandhi has been cosseting his home constituency of Amethi .
26 The right to a safe environment is ever more insistently presented today as a right that must be included in an updated Charter of Human Rights . ’
27 And in Africa that must mean people moving from the rural areas into the overcrowded towns , which at least offer subsistence .
28 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
29 I could n't help but imagine the scene of panic and desperation that must have taken place a few hours earlier - the young dolphin fighting and dying in a few frantic spasms , its grieving mother well able to defend her child from sharks but helpless against a silent , resisting wall of nylon . ’
30 These are habits that must now be reworked to meet threats that are vaguer , more elusive and spread across more of the world than precisely identified units of the Soviet army .
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