Example sentences of "that at " in BNC.

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1 No prizes can be offered for pointing out that at a given moment there are artists of several generations working and in very different ways .
2 When Cézanne uses colour we note that at each nodal point of the interplay of planes , Cézanne marks this sequence by a series of small washes of various colours , modulating generally from violet to greenish , or bluish grey .
3 Depending on the school 's theatre resources , a full term of productions may mean that at least three or more plays will be staged , giving agents , directors and casting pundits a chance to evaluate your work .
4 As a new young actor do you find that at Stratford you become part of a house style ?
5 It is noteworthy that at this time ( when secularised education was patronised by nearly all the governments of Europe including those that were nominally Catholic ) this query was dealt with as a matter of discipline by the Congregation of propaganda , and not as a matter of doctrine by the Congregation of the Inquisition .
6 They say that at the moment of death the whole of one 's past life flashes before one 's eyes .
7 Perhaps this was why , uncharacteristically , he burst out aloud with the thought that at last chased the nursery rhyme momentarily from his mind .
8 ‘ She does n't always have to upset the table , though , when she is there , does she ? ’ remarked Henry Tyler in a tone that at least one ambassador had been known to call ‘ eminently reasonable ’ .
9 Try and get a dual flight on the airfield so that at least you know something about the airfield and its surrounds .
10 The moral is clear : when gustiness is getting near to the limit for safe flying , assume that at any time it could suddenly increase .
11 Fortunately , with weight shift , moving forwards causes a nose-up rather than a nose-down effect so that at least it does not accentuate the pitching movement and make the sensation worse .
12 Practise stepping quickly from one stance into another , always ensuring that at least the width of a fist separates your leading guards .
13 Recall that at the beginning of this piece I briefly discussed what the representational theory of the mind has got right : that thoughts are not simple responses , reactions or reverberations to environmental stimulation — contrasting this with the case of the thermostat which automatically switches on and off at pre-set temperatures .
14 As we are discussing groundstroke skills , I think it is important to stress that at the beginning , according to the shape of shot that you have — whether it be topspin , slice or flat — you can insist on slice only , topspin only , or on hitting your favoured shot .
15 Euston , the first to open in July 1986 , included ‘ Le Croissant Shop ’ , a franchise business that at once complements and rivals Travellers-Fare .
16 It is important that at least three coats are applied and that the top and bottom edges are given at least one coat to prevent moisture being absorbed .
17 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
18 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
19 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
20 If there were not this evidence that at this point he is only hazily in command of what he is doing , we might ask — though to no purpose , I think — whether Eleanor 's fiddling of her uncle into the see of Canterbury is presented to us for our approval , or the reverse .
21 Eliot and Empson take off their poet 's hat , and wear a critic 's hat — that at least is the decorous illusion which , by their style and procedures , they try to maintain ; Pound and Dryden on the contrary wear the poet 's hat all the time , even when they criticize .
22 The tell-tale sign was that at FFr29.5m , consumer finance was easily the biggest component in new lending last year .
23 With Chinese wages still roughly one-seventh of those in the colony , so many companies have shifted production across the border that at least two million Chinese workers — twice the size of Hong Kong 's manufacturing workforce — are employed in Guangdong , processing goods for the textile , toy and electronics firms which are the backbone of Hong Kong 's industrial sector .
24 The Hong Kong government , no longer able to down-play the exodus , admitted that at least 45,000 of its best and brightest left last year .
25 The Dutch government is so concerned that at next week 's 103-nation conference in Lausanne of the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites ) it will call for a total ban on trade in the plants .
26 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
27 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
28 And although the Newsons concede the chicken and egg possibility — do you smack a child because he is delinquent , or is he delinquent because he is smacked ? — they argue that their findings do not support the old belief that sparing the rod spoils the child , but suggest that at the very least , mothers who smack do not succeed in producing non-delinquent children .
29 Gillingham 's head of curriculum , herself an English teacher , reports with approval that at present GCSE in English is judged 100 per cent on coursework .
30 ‘ Is it safe to do that , knowing one outcome may be that at the end of the process we exclude sexual abuse ?
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