Example sentences of "that is " in BNC.

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1 The amount of the annual covenant payment is specified in the Deed , and this is the sum that is payable each year .
2 Money that is otherwise destined for the Inland Revenue can instead go to ACET .
3 Members working on behalf of a prisoner learn a lot about that country — its culture and political allegiance for example — knowledge that is no longer useful when the case is closed .
4 There are over 2,300 inmates on America 's death rows : all have found themselves caught up in the nightmare that is the US capital law system .
5 They will be moved to the ‘ death house ’ into a room that is often adjacent to the electric chair where they may hear the chair being tested at regular intervals .
6 It is far better to like and admire something that is wrong , or to like and admire for the wrong reason , provided we do so sincerely , than to follow slavishly the dictates or ideas of some other person .
7 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
8 The woe that is in marriage is not all that bad really .
9 At the same time , he accepts the ‘ obvious ’ fact that ‘ facts are never just coming at you but are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience ’ .
10 The story that is told is a story which never ends — and which risks losing shape and momentum — because it is a story told of himself by a living author , an author who has yet to end , whose isolate 's imaginative fury lives on to tell another tale , some more of his own story .
11 But about many of its manifestations there can be something ominous — something that is acutely understood and eloquently exposed in The Counterlife .
12 This can be reckoned to contain the succession of anecdotes that occurs and the fine detail of working-class life that is provided .
13 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
14 With well written characters the words fit and flow so that the actor can ride with ease , and the thoughts , no matter how disjointed , have a natural quality that is at once ‘ actable ’ .
15 A woman that is like a German clock ,
16 Quality in photographs costs money but it is an outlay that is never wasted for casting directors and producers do look at volumes of Spotlight repeatedly .
17 Membership of Equity , then , is no guarantee of employment — it simply gives the member a chance to be considered for the work that is available .
18 I mean , Sugar and Spice for example by Nigel Williams ; I 'd love to have a go at doing the part of Sharon sometime , I think anything that is well written — that 's important .
19 Perhaps doing Shakespeare spoils you for that , but I think having a text that is good is important .
20 It is your personality and your personal care that is going to be noticed all the time .
21 Finding a character that is true in every moment is quite another matter .
22 As Richard Attenborough once said to me , ‘ If you have n't learnt to play to an audience that is present , how can you expect to play to one that is n't ? ’
23 As Richard Attenborough once said to me , ‘ If you have n't learnt to play to an audience that is present , how can you expect to play to one that is n't ? ’
24 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
25 The dignity of the State will be enhanced , and with religion as its guide , there will never be a rule that is not just … ’ ( 1930 : 64 )
26 It is the right hand side on both panels that is worrying me , he wrote .
27 There is a story , he wrote , there is a story that is being told .
28 The question that is never asked , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , is the one that concerns the quality of life .
29 Pasteurisation — avoided by skilled brewers in both Britain and other leading brewing nations — leaves an unpleasant burnt sugar taste to beer that is most apparent in low gravity drinks .
30 Christmas cards , chocolate boxes and tourist literature , proclaiming a timeless tradition that is supposed to be the envy of the world .
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