Example sentences of "to at " in BNC.

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1 The words drew on his memory of a secret meeting he had gone to at the end of his first year in Glasgow .
2 THE FUTURE of the Channel tunnel was in doubt last night after confirmation that costs have escalated by 50 per cent to at least £7bn and a warning that its bankers may not provide fresh loans unless the financial crisis surrounding the project is resolved by Christmas .
3 Shares in Eurotunnel fell a further 50p to close at 600p , making a 15 per cent drop in the Anglo-French venture 's stock market value in the two days since it disclosed a 50 per cent rise in the cost of the tunnel to at least £7bn .
4 Elders , the Australian group , has been ordered to cut its stake to at least 9.9 per cent by June .
5 BRIGHTON Mark Steel is a comic who should be returned to at irregular intervals : see him too often ( and he is all over London ) and you tire of his south London patter , but go back to his schoolroom lesson after a break from the circuit , or see him off his home patch and you 'll enjoy an exercise bookful of character face-pulling , energetic storytelling and witty , like-it-is observations .
6 His death brings to at least 118 the number of those killed in Transcaucasia since Armenia 's campaign for the return of a territory controlled by Azerbaijan began in February 1988 .
7 ‘ After 10 years of employment legislation focused on what unions and their members may not do , the Government would do better to spell out the positive rights it believes trade union members are entitled to at the workplace . ’
8 It takes the total cost of the package for Britain to at least £1.3bn .
9 National Savings income bonds might just be worth hanging on to at 11.75 per cent if you are a non-taxpayer .
10 Party members were now obliged to subscribe to at least one party newspaper .
11 All turns , therefore , upon restoring the output of the house-building industry as soon as possible to at least its pre-war productivity .
12 If they are listened to at all , it will probably be in the bath , on a car stereo , or in some other environment where the music is competing for the listener 's attention .
13 In the article referred to at the outset , Susan Sontag remarks that camp ‘ is a solvent of morality .
14 Parliamentary arithmetic dictated , therefore , that Labour would have to produce a package which was acceptable to at least one of the opposition parties .
15 Inevitably , priorities also shifted as a result of civil strife , which has been of fundamental importance to at least twelve of sub-Saharan Africa 's forty-one countries .
16 ‘ She 'd have a lot to get used to at first , ’ Rose said absently as she scanned through the letter .
17 And when I saw all of them after such a long time I did n't like to go back again , really I did n't want to at all .
18 I want to buy a Christmas tree and decorate it like we used to at school but Marie says we ai n't got enough money .
19 I du n no if they got nests or nothing to go to at night , but sat there under that bush all huddled up , they look froze to death .
20 This arrangement also produces a shallow perimeter ‘ ledge ’ , parallel to at least one external wall , which can be used as a window seat .
21 The requirement of the old London Building Acts was that an area of window equal to at least 10 per cent of its floor area should be provided to light a habitable room .
22 The average selling price for a one-bedroom flat in Manchester was reckoned to be around £11,000 at that time ( in contrast to at least £25,000 in London ) .
23 Not one of the many East Berliners I spoke to at several crossing points said they meant to stay in the West .
24 Earlier this week government research was published showing that 32 out of 102 ovens failed to heat food uniformly to at least 70C , the temperature necessary to kill listeria , salmonella and other food poisoning bacteria .
25 MRS Thatcher yesterday marshalled the Cabinet behind a Foreign Office plan to give full British passports to at least 50,000 of Hong Kong 's leading figures and their families , despite the misgivings of the Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , and other colleagues .
26 MRS Thatcher yesterday marshalled the Cabinet behind a Foreign Office plan to give full British passports to at least 50,000 of Hong Kong 's leading figures and their immediate families , despite the misgivings of the Home Secretary , Mr David Waddington , and other colleagues .
27 Casting a shadow over the CEGB 's last set of accounts in the state sector , the company announced yesterday that decommissioning costs have doubled to at least £600 million a station .
28 Within two decades the number of cases reported each year has more than doubled to at least 3,000 .
29 I really thought I could n't bear not to at least understand what he was going through , but by that time my opinion was totally irrelevant — not wanted — added to which , I 'm not easy to get along with anyway because I 'm not a ‘ yes-man ’ .
30 The British study for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that regardless of how fuel prices , whether uranium or fossil , change , nuclear power has a declining role in British energy production up to at least 2020 .
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