Example sentences of "to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1981 , the military took charge of the Bourequats , and they were flown by helicopter to the mountains , and taken blindfolded by truck to Tazmamert .
2 Of the 61 former military personnel moved from Kenitra Military Prison to Tazmamert in 1973 , 29 are said to have since died , almost certainly due to the harsh conditions of detention .
3 The next three miles of pathway northwards from Mosedale to Swindale are the least dramatic of the circuit .
4 Figure 7 ‘ The Country of the Iguanadon ’ , frontispiece to Mantell 's Wonders of Geology , eighth edition , 1864 .
5 I sha n't draw breath or stop fidgeting until we 're on that train to Glenfarg
6 The next stop was across the Gulf of Oman to Gwadar in Pakistan , close to Iran 's border .
7 These surveyors ' beacons were later enshrined in traditions such as the Beltane Fires , according to Watkins .
8 It seemed to Watkins to have a role both in laying out the system and in guiding travellers .
9 He introduces me to Watkins , the man who predicted Labour would get 330 seats .
10 The ability to break individual applications down into separate tasks — as long as the software is written in a suitably modular fashion — is known as application multi-threading , and will be supported in the next release of Solaris 2. x , according to Watkins .
11 to Jim Loughran and Bessie Embleton who were married at the Priory yesterday .
12 McNeill referred to Jim Smith , his counterpart at St James ' Park , as ‘ insulting ’ and accused him of conducting private business in public .
13 That is why if Jill knowingly leads Jim to expect that she will behave in a certain way she bears a responsibility to prevent harm to Jim as a result of this reliance , and so on .
14 ‘ That 's a Cox 's Orange , ’ said Bruce to Jim .
15 Her homage to frankness in her letter to Jim Prior more than five years later caused a great deal of ironic laughter in Whitehall .
16 Terry Long was always a welcome visitor to Selhurst Park , but it was an enormous pleasure to everyone connected with Crystal Palace when he agreed to make a public return here in October 1984 to give recognition to Jim Cannon , who is the one man to have played more games for us than Terry himself did .
17 Geoff Thomas has been Palace 's inspirational , attacking midfield supremo , and occasional centre defender , since he joined us from Crewe Alexandra for just £50,000 in June 1987 , and he became our club captain in succession to Jim Cannon twelve months later
18 I went across to talk to Jim Rosenthal for ITV .
19 Patrick told me that he was a little worried about the brightness in tone that would inevitably result from a totally maple body and so he suggested to Jim Sullivan that actives might well hold the answer .
20 I have to take this to Jim Donaldson and maybe Michael Odell .
21 Particular thanks go to Jim Brooks and Bill Howieson for their series on ‘ Vision for the 90's ’ and ‘ The World Church ’ .
22 His letter to Jim said : ‘ I accept that during the course of the contract , some extras were specifically agreed between us , and on that basis , I fully expected a very limited overrun on costs . ’
23 New Zealand led the way , thanks to Jim Blair , in developing individual fitness requirements for each position .
24 On a lighter vein , congratulations to Jim thorn , head groundsman at Wimbledon for nine years , until his retirement at the age of 65 last July , on winning the 1991 award for Services to Lawn Tennis , presented annually by the Lawn Tennis Writers Association .
25 ‘ I explained to Jim his assets .
26 Whilst on the market stall I had a Liverpool pensioner who had n't seen a Liverpool organisation so when I got home I sent to her a notice of the huge rally there going to hold in September , in Liverpool with a couple of Bishop 's and big national speakers , I sent that to her and also contacted a Liverpool pensioner secretary to get in touch with her , and we 've also written to erm , that 's the rally , erm , we 've also , I 've also written to Jim from Cumberland , if you remember er his down our rally , so we should have some , we decided to buy twelve copies of each publication they produce and one when we get our office will be available there .
27 Gratitude for the invitation to pay a brief tribute to Jim Byam Shaw on his retirement from active participation in the affairs of his famous firm must be tempered for an old friend by reflection on the difficulties that any such tribute involves .
28 Marlow himself , listening to Jim 's confused , hesitant version of the affair as the court-martial proceeds , realises that ‘ with every instant he was penetrating deeper into the impossible world of romantic achievements ’ and cuts across the young man 's evident yearning to make some heroic restitution by the blunt reminder , ‘ If you had stuck to the ship , you mean ! ’
29 According to Jim Sillars MP , senior vice-convener of the SNP , the irony is that the SNP know very little of the man .
30 Jim was a moody sort of individual , was n't he , he had n't liked being asked ; in Philip 's opinion there was more to Jim than met the eye .
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