Example sentences of "have before " in BNC.

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1 What relationship exists between the painting and the vision of reality that the artist has before his eyes ?
2 The first job of the officer is to ‘ determine whether he has before him sufficient evidence to charge that person with the offence for which he was arrested ’ .
3 The court has before it two appeals which raise the same point of law , that is to say , can a child who is born alive , but suffering from disabilities occasioned by negligence on the part of the proposed defendant at a time when the child was en ventre sa mère and unborn , maintain an action for damages for negligence against the defendant .
4 An association of the deaf , powerful in its members and unity , has before it the greatness of things to be done .
5 We have opened discussions with Mr. MacSharry on that , we are pushing the Community for urgency on the zoonoses regulations , and the Commission has before it a proposal to overhaul the meat inspection and meat hygiene directive .
6 The bare infinitives are used to refer to reactions concurrent with the contemplation of the scene which the person in question has before his eyes , spontaneous reactions , leaving no room for reflection .
7 Scott Gibbs , whose midfield tackling was at the very heart of the Welsh win , has always struck one as having tremendous potential , but he has before now been roundly censured for his use of the ball after a break .
8 Others say that the resemblance one notices is between sensations , and that what one means when one says something is white is that a sensation one has on looking at it resembles a sensation one has had before and to which one gave the name ‘ sensation of white ’ .
9 As for his own peers — the friends he 'd had before Vanessa — most had faded .
10 Neither writer gave McQueen the credit of his own history ; neither enquired into , or assessed , the status he might have had before the ‘ 45 Rebellion , in which he had participated , and by which he had most likely been reduced to keeping this crude but hospitable inn .
11 All these movements have had before them as a model the existing nation states , and have been influenced by nationalist ideas already formulated and widely disseminated .
12 It had dawned on me that not only was I leaving the comfortingly familiar surroundings of primary school but that I no longer had any influence whatsoever on the other pupils at the school which I had had before but I was to be demoted to ‘ the annoying first year ’ .
13 Indeed , all the experiences that we have had before coming to the House influence us .
14 The 27-year-old North-East man was at times impatient and ragged and displayed the expected ring rust from the ten-month lay-off he had had before the fight .
15 I 've had before where I have been told waited and helped people finish their
16 It is becoming increasingly clear that the inquiry will never have before it any detailed assessment of the safety of the actual design which the CEGB will use to build the Sizewell reactor .
17 McMenemy added : ‘ As I understand it Graham said that in an ideal world the longer the lay-off the more games you would hope a player would have before his next England appearance .
18 Should their personal and family relationships remain or become negligible , then they might leave residential care supplied with skills and interests which they did not have before coming into care .
19 The individual must look down that list and check that there are no other complicating features that the patient might have before administration of the drug .
20 The more numerical evidence we can have before us , the better .
21 What did they have , what colour did they have before the blue ?
22 Decision makers should satisfy themselves that current practice is itself worth having before using it as a comparison for a new treatment .
23 In short of having before your Lordship a very complicated er array of procedural options , er the , the view that has been taken by , my lead was the most appropriate er course was to come and argue the issue substantially and then in the light of what your Lordship rules thereafter to see the best way forward in terms of further procedural applications to your Lordship .
24 The great visionary poet and artist , is rarely seen indeed and so it is a special treat to have before our eyes , at Salander O'Reilly , a selection of over thirty watercolours , drawings and paintings by the master .
25 Decide on what core units you 're going to have before even thinking about the rest of your army .
26 It is the former image which the courts have tended to have before them when reviewing the decisions of corporate managers .
27 A select number of Shakespeare 's plays have become the only sustained acquaintance with Renaissance literature a majority of readers are likely to have before entering higher education .
28 Then , at least seven days before the day fixed for hearing , the plaintiff is to file one copy of a paginated and indexed bundle ( with earliest date on top ) comprising the documents on which either party intends to rely , or which either party wishes to have before the court .
29 When this class disappeared in the Revolution , the peasants increased their landownership to 28 per cent more than they had before 1917 .
30 When the best man cleared his throat and announced that he was going to fix the puncture he had before leaving , all Moran 's children followed him out to the road and stood around as he got levers and patches and solution .
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