Example sentences of "a case " in BNC.

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1 The auction catalogue can also quote from other authorities , which will be inevitable in a case where a scholar has written a catalogue raisonné , and advantageous if the context of the work is made clearer by the artist 's correspondence or other publications .
2 A case of unwitting collusion by a critic in a manoeuvre by an art dealer occurred in 1961 , when Leo Steinberg wrote an article about Jasper Johns .
3 But I think it 's always a case of what you bring to acting — bring to the parts that are being offered to you .
4 Classical acting is really quite a recent thing for me so it 's a case of speaking the verse as naturally as possible but observing it ‘ s rhythms and structure .
5 The trade union movement was a case in point .
6 So it should be at £101.62 a case ( all prices are quoted exclusive of VAT ) from Bibendum ( 071–722 5577 ) .
7 Avoid cheap versions of Valpolicella ( about £30 a case ) like the plague .
8 Pay about £45 a case for a wine from the Classico hillsides and it can be a revelation .
9 These wines , priced at about £35 a case , would make superior house selections .
10 Perhaps this is a case of cherchez la femme .
11 This was a case of Gentlemen versus Players in the golden age when such distinctions still applied and when it was obvious to anyone with an eighth of an intelligence that no paid journeyman could ever begin to compare with the rapier-like ‘ amateurs ’ who flitted with effortless superiority , solving one crime after another with a brilliant insouciance which was the dismay of the criminal fraternity , the envy of the constabulary , and a source of immense satisfaction to most of the upper middle class , especially those with an aptitude for the Times crossword .
12 And while it may be that the tragic case of the disappearing baronet is one that appears to defy all logic , it is not a case that defies the world 's greatest detective .
13 It is a case which , I am afraid to tell you , has its own beginning and middle and — alas — an end too . ’
14 Heading a homicide enquiry is a prize which has always eluded her , until against all the odds she is appointed to head a case .
15 In a case like this it is often a matter of assessing quickly ‘ Am I sure that I can reach the field , or if I get more sink will I fail to get there ? ’
16 Rather it will be a case of the researcher finding a means of recording and sorting the mass of detail which continuously bombards him and presents him with the lateral possibilities which make the discipline potentially dangerous .
17 A philosophical account gives the necessary and sufficient conditions ( at least in outline form ) for the application of a concept , and it should , therefore , apply in principle to anything that is a case of that concept .
18 Stephen Stich ( 1983 ) presents a case for a syntactic theory of mind which is more radical than Fodor 's .
19 ’ But those years he would go into his study afterwards with the coffee her mother made , to smoke his pipe and look over a case , and he shut the door .
20 It 's the market place economy , a case of supply and demand .
21 Like a detective displaying the only clues in a case in which he has become personally involved , he holds out the croci with a shrug of quiet resolve .
22 Is there indeed a case for some form of national track authority in place of six regions ?
23 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
24 Really it 's a case of head versus heart .
25 Concentration spans are short at this age but , once commands are taught on a ‘ reward-for-getting-it-right/patience-not-punishment-for-getting-it-wrong ’ basis , it 's just a case of frequent practice .
26 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
27 Francis Mulhern 's study of Scrutiny is a case in point .
28 But they are not manifestly unfair ; there is a case to answer .
29 What they learn in such a case is , of course , only a rule of thumb ; for if criticism sometimes has to be prescriptive , its prescriptions are never applicable except ‘ by and large ’ .
30 This is relativity with a vengeance , and many of us have felt than in a case like this the scales that Eliot measures by are not so much sliding as slithering .
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