Example sentences of "a as " in BNC.

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1 So if your if you 're an elder it 'll be very difficult to get up those very steep steps etcetera so it 's got disadvantages now it 's been run all sorts of ways it 's was run you know it was run as a as a wine wine bar it was run as a restaurant it 's been run as a bar it 's been run as a stage door club but all this all these ways have been run by private individuals it 's not always been the trust that 's run it it 's been run as franchise all these people have great problems actually making profit out of it and making it suitable .
2 We as a as a policy unit get involved in that kind of work as well , so working with departments , looking at new initiative 's and trying to work with them .
3 as a as an addendum for for staff does n't it ?
4 Erm Nick has obviously talked about the er , the phasing of the estate erm , just to point out that the reason for it , perhaps seeming a bit of long drawn out er affair , it 's , it 's a , a minimum time as far as erm , all the people who have been negotiating feel it 's achievable in if we are to make sure that the estate does n't remain a building site as as a as a total entity fo , at any time , so this site here will not commence until this site is completed so that there will be some er , rest bite for the bungalow residents and of course , somewhere to park their cars in the in the interim .
5 The statement just as a as a useful instrument will er I hope it will be a useful instrument er is a step in probably the right direction and we just wait and see .
6 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
7 That does n't seem to be so at some stages it is a little difficult getting it over as a as a a retired person talking to someone who is facing redundancy about retirement .
8 As a as a
9 What was the view amongst men and women in those times , was preventing having children regarded as a as a woman 's job ?
10 Yes , as a as a as a porter or a a a erm what they what used to call them that worked on the line , there was a special name for the li the people that read repaired the lines .
11 Yes , as a as a as a porter or a a a erm what they what used to call them that worked on the line , there was a special name for the li the people that read repaired the lines .
12 How much of a benefit has that been , the fact that people are seeing you i as a as a professional who you know , who works for social services ,
13 But if we see an office that 's being committed by y somebody breaking into an empty flat , or we actually see somebody breaking into a occupied flat , then as a as a citizen , you can enforce a citizen 's arrest .
14 You know up the side street but now it 's used as a as a store house but you can tell it 's a it 's an old establishme and and they used to get full you know .
15 As a as a colloquial expression
16 So did did they think they were doing themselves a disservice then when they , maybe when they amalgamated , or when they became part of the boilermakers , or when the boilermakers started taking in various trades to approach the employers as a as a a black squad unit for wage rises and conditions and so on , or did they they Would they have preferred to have done it themselves do you think ?
17 I , I what I 'm saying is I 'm saying that unemployment as a , as a as a condition ,
18 I 'm going to be talking a bit more later in the presentation about back up and back up performance which is one of the key areas which erm organizations trying to support very large databases have come across as a as a as a major stumbling block or hurdle to get across .
19 I 'm going to be talking a bit more later in the presentation about back up and back up performance which is one of the key areas which erm organizations trying to support very large databases have come across as a as a as a major stumbling block or hurdle to get across .
20 Yes I was going to ask y er wh where would you be playing as a as a as a young girl then ?
21 Yes I was going to ask y er wh where would you be playing as a as a as a young girl then ?
22 As a as a churchgoer and a committed christian I mean I I quoted earlier on this morning from the Sun newspaper this morning which is ranting and raving this morning on the subject of erm well it claims that the the Archbishop of Canterbury er Dr Carey is saying that erm Charles could never be king of this country erm because erm he had an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles
23 But as a as a member of his club you should be able to you should you should be able to bring power to bear on the er the top bod should n't you ?
24 Was that , was that er on the basis of your acting c collectively as a as a lodge or was it again was it shop stewards who acted ?
25 What did you decide er as a as a lodge whe when these letters were received ?
26 Well that 's something that a as a teacher we 're erm in my school we 're constantly saying t to the pupils I mean if they ha they have a they have a certain responsibility t to tidy up after them and t to try and keep their work area tidy that 's not the same as er as cleaning at the end of the day as sweeping up all all the dust and and so on .
27 As far as these cats were concerned , I have little doubt that nothing but positive r reinforcement would have been given because if they had been punished they simply would n't have done it , and they would have run away and it 's very much more difficult as a as a performer to have an animal w is n't going to want to do the act .
28 Which I 'll just pick up on as a as as a final point .
29 The fact that , one has as a as a council , credit approvals , it does allow you to set them against capital receipts in in further financing new capital works , to the extent that you do n't use them for other purposes .
30 Ah but unlike me , him , I was a raw recruit whilst he had experienced County Council and he had worked on both sides of the Council Chamber as a as a Government Officer , I believe , and er County Councillor .
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