Example sentences of "and does " in BNC.

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1 The poor boy , who resembles Philip Roth , tells the story in which he takes part , and does so in a manner that can be considered uncontroversial .
2 How far does she commit herself to Proteus , and does she really criticise herself ?
3 But besides this more obvious point , there are subtler connections between voice and body : Cicely Berry observes that ‘ an introverted and thoughtful person often finds more difficulty in speaking and does not carry the thought through into the physical process of making speech ’ .
4 The Act is an enabling one and does not affect the existing system unless the leadership of the churches wish to co-operate in a reshaping of the system or of schools in any particular area .
5 Yes means a time for us to be together , us and only us in a place that is beautiful and special and quiet and does n't know just how amazing a love is about to transform it into one of those Indian summer memories that make deaf old ladies grin knowingly , when you think they are dead in a deckchair on the sea front .
6 It digs into the opponent 's mid-section and does n't just tap it .
7 The side kick delivered from the back foot is comparatively slow and does no more than a good front kick .
8 Well , I think that there is an argument of sorts for saying that a computer of the kind described does not have a theory of the external world , does not have mental states which refer , and does not therefore have thoughts in any significant sense .
9 The computer which can move blocks around to instructions represents , in contrast , a few facts and does what it can with them .
10 And does it not have the ludicrous implication that a two-month-old only knows more than the two-week-old because he is more active ?
11 Steffi Graf , for instance , signs more autographs than any player I have seen and does care for them .
12 The board can also be used for incline/decline work with barbells and dumb-bells , and does not have to be regarded only as a piece of equipment for exercising the stomach .
13 All round , an interesting tool , that sits comfortably in the hand , is kind to the elbow , and does n't cost an arm and a leg .
14 It is particularly suitable for table tops on account of its ability to withstand accidental spillages and does not blister when hot dishes are placed on it .
15 But this will be to no avail if the choreographer is attempting to tell a story and does not have expert advice from musicians of the calibre of Edwin Evans , Constant Lambert and John Lanchbery .
16 It is widely recognised that the classical technique can and does prove a stable basis fur all styles of dance .
17 The advantages of these are that they last much longer and cost much less to run ( the saving well outweighs the higher asking price ) ; their disadvantages are that the light they give is not quite so ‘ warm ’ and does not come on instantly .
18 This offers the maximum amount of disc edge to the work and does not overload the motor .
19 The Building Notice procedure is a comparatively new system and does not require the submission of any detailed plans .
20 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
21 This crablike sidling away from all he is and does catches the tune of the achieved , fully formed Stavrogin ; unlike Svidrigailov , who incidentally makes great play with the fact that he 's bored , he would — could — never call himself a debauchee .
22 And does n't this give us — faintly indeed , but unmistakably — just what we 've looked for in vain in all the other Sicilian allusions : that 's to say , evidence that when Pound was in Sicily he did n't go around with his eyes closed , his ears and nostrils stopped ?
23 Eliot did not and does not .
24 In spite of apparently incompatible personalities — she is small and shy , he is large and does most of the talking — they have an empathy which is essential to the way they work , a persistent mutual pestering .
25 It does not imply political supremacy , and does not suggest that the Pope should administer the affairs of the Church of England , ’ he said .
26 However , such zeal does not fool a wise assessment system which accounts for quality of performance , and does not rely too much on facile numerical criteria .
27 Woe betide a Soviet regime which shoots Russian and Eastern Ukrainian miners , the elite of the working class in the supposed land of the proletariat , and does so moreover in an era when suppression of news is no longer possible and society is rapidly organising itself autonomously of the state .
28 There is also the small matter of the Government 's golden share which can block a hostile bid for Jaguar and does not expire until the end of next year .
29 Abse has not put Thatcher on the analyst 's couch , and does not pretend to have done so .
30 This is almost certainly not the case and does Canberra a grave disservice , though it does illustrate one of the problems behind the fixture .
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