Example sentences of "and if " in BNC.

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1 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
2 I am thirteen years old , and if ten years of my youth were taken over by four plain walls and nothing to do , I know how I would feel .
3 ‘ The commonness and the uselessness of the thought are abominable ; and if only his idea , common and useless as it is , were clear …
4 Authors are not supposed to avenge themselves in their writings , but they do , and if they were to be prevented , there would be far fewer books .
5 Such poems ‘ need not be stimulated by real-life events ’ such as the plight of the Marseilles dock-workers , which has effaced the sight — darkly limned in Jaromil 's juvenilia — of Magda in her bath ; and if the poet who displays his ignorant , indifferent self-portrait is hoping for applause , there is a chance for him to do well in the new world of revolution , which rings with applause , and with blame .
6 I am not sure how much work these last words are doing , and if there is tautology here , it is compounded by what follows .
7 Bernard Shaw once described Romeo and Juliet as ‘ the impetuous march of music ’ , and if ever there was a play of rich language , this is it .
8 Your natural ability is the thing that should emerge , and if you have been well coached the coaching wo n't show .
9 And if his name be George , I 'll call him Peter ;
10 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
11 Now , what we 've got here is a lump of wood roughly the same shape trying to be a cricket bat , and if you hit a ball with it , the ball will travel about ten feet and you will drop the bat and dance about shouting ‘ Ouch ! ’ with your hands stuck into your armpits .
12 It may be difficult , but it is not complicated , and if it gets complicated there is something quite wrong .
13 There have been many books written about improvisation and if I were asked to choose just one it would be Keith Johnston 's Impro which is straightforward , understandable , and theatrically aware .
14 So the tutorial is a place for ideas as well as practice , and if they are well used they can help an actor to be more objective about the craft .
15 Agents do n't want deadwood and if they are interested in you it is because they feel they can sell you into the market , so that you can go on and make money both for yourself and them .
16 The new actor is generally operating in top gear and if this momentum is stopped it can be very damaging to the morale and can result in an actor 's technical skills going rusty — something to be avoided at all costs .
17 I thought it was better going to drama school direct rather than via a university and if you 're going to act I think that 's the way .
18 Even the interview system is not an ideal one — once again you 're having to sell yourself — and if you 're a character actor like I am I can not show myself without being somebody else .
19 Governments can assist the Church greatly in the execution of its important office if , in laying down their ordinances , they take account of what is prescribed by divine and ecclesiastical law , and if penalties are fixed for offenders …
20 If an effective will to de-alienate Northern protestants in their attitudes to the republic existed , and if there had been a real change in the Irish catholic hierarchy 's position on such matters , then they would indeed have taken positive steps to support FitzGerald 's attempt to introduce such constitutional changes .
21 And if it topples over it certainly will .
22 And if stronger does that mean truer ?
23 When this happens take a hydrometer reading and if the gravity is about 1010 syphon the beer into the wine cube .
24 And if you …
25 The wife of an earl is a countess , and if that earl dies his wife becomes the Dowager Lady Blank .
26 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
27 And if you think you 're going to get all that off without a shower , you 're wrong . ’
28 And if the doctor wants the police the performance will be over by then and the house cleared before they can possibly get here . ’
29 ‘ Mind you , it 's the first time they 've been here , and if I 'm any judge it 'll be the last .
30 Though it hardly seems possible , spring-flowering bulbs are on sale again , and if we want to bring some winter cheer to the home we should be planting them now .
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