Example sentences of "of your " in BNC.

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1 You do n't have to make a firm commitment but obviously we like you to give us some idea of your availability .
2 You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported .
3 Staying a virgin till you meet the right person — also a virgin — and … staying faithful to that one person for the rest of your life .
4 Aim at having only 1 sexual partner for the rest of your life
5 The law relating to covenants is quite complex but basically a covenant is a legally-binding document by which you transfer some of your income to a charity for a stated period .
6 The value of your gift then increases by 33.3% in ACET 's hands , with the blessing of the Inland Revenue .
7 Covenant payments are made out of your income and are not capital payments .
8 You could covenant all your taxable income if you wished — remember though that a part of your total income will not be subject to tax , because of the various tax allowances you enjoy ( personal allowances , mortgage interest relief , etc . )
9 If ACET did somehow reclaim tax on the covenant then you would be liable to pay income tax to the Inland Revenue on the amount of your covenant payment .
10 The Inland Revenue will not accept ‘ escape ’ conditions which would effectively enable you to terminate the covenant of your own volition .
11 If ACET did somehow reclaim tax on the payment then you would be liable to pay income tax to the Inland Revenue on the amount of your Gift Aid payment .
12 Choose people you know well and trust and with whom you can share the details of your affairs .
13 By leaving £5,000 to ACET , however , the taxable value of your estate is reduced to £135,000 and this would give a tax saving of £2,000 .
14 Appointing a member of your church as an ACET-Link representative .
15 A good defence lawyer would now be armed with all the mitigating circumstances of your life : mental records , character witnesses , … any reason why your life should be spared .
16 Reading plays is an essential part of your career preparation — the more plays you read the more you will understand of the theatre 's development .
17 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
18 When auditioning for most schools you will be asked to present at least two contrasting speeches and possibly give some idea of your attitude to improvisation and , perhaps , to singing .
19 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
20 I would suggest that if you are sure of your pieces , do n't read them over and over again on the way to the audition — once will be quite enough .
21 That lie within the mercy of your wit :
22 With all the fierce endeavour of your wit
23 Right joyful of your reformation .
24 The piece includes a great deal of descriptive colour ; only try it if you feel you can bring something of your own imagination to it , and be prepared to risk some indulgence .
25 Your cheeks like damask , the soft white loveliness of your breasts , leading to the firm dark mountain peaks of your , Laura , now I 'm dreading which part of my body he will choose next on which to turn the great white beam of his fucking sincerity .
26 Your cheeks like damask , the soft white loveliness of your breasts , leading to the firm dark mountain peaks of your , Laura , now I 'm dreading which part of my body he will choose next on which to turn the great white beam of his fucking sincerity .
27 I say no mine , perhaps the choice of location … he says it ca n't be your fault , you have made love to the most brilliant and beautiful men of your generation , you have slept with the great .
28 This was none of your mensa-a-table , this was a flash from the forbidden planet , and it was everywhere .
29 Most of your technical tutors will be seeing everything you do , and deriving what they need to know from it ; they do n't want to find you confused by criticism from senior students which might not be helpful to you at this point .
30 To speak of further training programmes now may sound like a mere desperate remedy , but it does n't mean anything as arduous or as expensive as the full training of your drama school .
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