Example sentences of "not made " in BNC.

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1 The decision is not made easier by constant criticism by importers and suppliers of each other .
2 His literary prowess was now enforcing itself upon him with the urgency of a destiny , as with all true writers , ‘ born , not made ’ .
3 Not made ‘ outsiders ’ as Scobie argues , but marginalised , neutered : precisely because they were too near the centre of things ; dangerous catalysts .
4 These circumstances arise where the person who has died has no relatives or friends who would undertake the organisation , and has not made advance arrangements .
5 A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled , and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all .
6 But if Ashton had not made these very distinctive changes in his ports de bras , the seasonal differences would not have been so notable .
7 And despite the Ramblers ' Association suggestion of management etc , we have not made too good a job of protecting other wilderness areas open to the public .
8 It was ‘ the establishment ’ , or one very thick and influential layer of it ; but it certainly was not made up of stuffed shirts and Colonel Blimps along with their twittering wives .
9 Accordingly , it must follow on the facts that the claim to privilege was not made out .
10 But Bobby Robson said yesterday : ‘ Manchester United have obviously not made the decision to recall him lightly .
11 In fact , liberal or not , she has come back to work for the ANC , though her exact capacity is not made clear .
12 In a decision which was widely predicted , Mr Patten has declared himself minded to uphold the view of the department 's inspectorate that Consortium Developments , representing several of the country 's major home-builders , had not made a sufficiently strong case for the development of 4,800 houses in what is an abandoned quarry and a conifer plantation .
13 He said afterwards that he and his colleagues impressed on Mr Patten their fear that the tax could be a ‘ poisoned chalice ’ if it was not made attractive to voters .
14 The association 's magazine Which ? says that insurance companies and the Department of Transport collect accident details that could throw light on the cars which best protect their occupants , but this information is not made public .
15 Sir Patrick said the brochure had a dual aim : to show potential recruits that government legal work was responsible and worthwhile ; and to dispel the notion that the service was for lawyers who had not made it in other parts of the profession .
16 ‘ We have not made enough films in the last 12 months .
17 A consultant 's report , which was not made public , put forward three options .
18 The long moralistic campaigns of Mrs Mary Whitehouse directed at BBC television had not made much headway .
19 The case for efficiency in each case was not made out , and there was a clear prospect , at a time of rising inflation , of large increases in charges for both , especially for water supply , with privately metered arrangements likely to increase the cost to the domestic consumer .
20 On these rides , sometimes of many miles , he found things with which Emmanuel Congregational church and Repton school chapel had not made him familiar .
21 ‘ I learned from him , more vividly than from anyone else , that the study of the New Testament is an exciting adventure , and that while it calls for a rigorous-critical discipline , it is not made less scientific if the student brings to it his own experience of faith . ’
22 But so extreme was the sodomite 's construction that most of those actually engaging in ‘ homo/sexuality , did not identify themselves with it ; not only did they not have our modern categories , but the prevailing categories were so tar removed from how they saw themselves , that apparently the connection was not made .
23 The office is not highly institutionalized and she has not made changes in this respect .
24 A decade has not made the concept of Thatcherism attractive to the British people .
25 Why had she not made connections between the secrecy , the silent , passively gloomy , growing of Maggie inside herself and this new , equally secret , growth ?
26 Why had she not made the connection and what , in any case , was the connection ?
27 As the Socialist Challenge pamphlet The Battle of Grunwick commented , ‘ it was not made clear whether the TUC condoned the use of ‘ unnecessary force ’ against non bona fide pickets or whether it thought the police were justified in using necessary force .
28 But the nature and being of Christ are not made obvious and clear-cut even in the pages of the New Testament .
29 He had not made the speech lightly , a considerable amount of thought and soul-searching had gone into it , and it was against the advice of most of his staff that he went ahead with it .
30 A wooden disc box from Supplier Action : not a greenhouse gas producer and not made from tropical hardwood .
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