Example sentences of "not know " in BNC.

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1 You ca n't imagine what it 's like not to know what it is to meet an attractive person who 's also attracted to you , can you ?
2 ‘ You can not pretend not to know our purpose , ’ he began , so loudly that the laird 's head went back .
3 ( He was not to know that Charles Olson , after next to no apprenticeship at all , would recklessly try to emulate him . )
4 In the week before the race , she became embroiled in a controversy over the skill of her opponent , the American Leigh Weiss , who had also steered international women 's crews but who was deemed not to know enough of the Boat Race course on London 's tideway .
5 The three schoolmasters upon whom he looked back with gratitude tell something about the boy : ( 1 ) a clear-headed Anglo-Catholic priest with a rasp of a voice who taught classics , Henry Balmforth : ( 2 ) the librarian Burd , a true classical scholar , and the only master in the school said not to know the name of the captain of cricket : ( 3 ) a gentle teacher ( Hayward ) , more expert at moths and butterflies than adolescents .
6 ‘ People , ’ he says , ‘ have a right not to know , and it is a more valuable one . ’
7 As she ate Maltesers from the box on her knee , apparently engrossed in the antics of Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck or pluto her left hand seemed not to know what her right was doing .
8 For a girl not to know about periods before she has them ?
9 Not to know her , not to love her ( at the very least , not to want to love her ) was to deny oneself the totality of experience .
10 It has been said that it is best not to know too much about salami and other sausages , in the same way that ignorance about haggis aids its enjoyment and easy digestion .
11 He stresses that ‘ our business here is not to know all things , but those which concern our conduct ’ .
12 He will be criminally liable unless he was so insane as either ‘ not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing ’ , or ‘ not to know that what he was doing was against the law ’ .
13 He will be criminally liable unless he was so insane as either ‘ not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing ’ , or ‘ not to know that what he was doing was against the law ’ .
14 It was most infuriating not to know what Gina had done with all the free loot .
15 Casey knew much ; but he was also careful not to know .
16 Charlie Allen of the CIA did not report it either , for a long time ; but he heard about it more than anyone else who was supposed not to know .
17 It is not possible to know and yet not to know .
18 He was not to know that because she never spoke about her feelings , she could not express them on demand .
19 And the injunction over the entrance to the ancient Athenian Academy , to know thyself , implies that it is possible , indeed easy , not to know thyself .
20 Stalin was not to know that his criteria would exclude many nations that were subsequently to emerge ( for example , Pakistan , without a common language or territory , but with a common religion ) , and force some groups into being nations ( the most notorious example being the black American population ) .
21 What kind of fool do you think me , not to know what 's closest to your heart ? ’
22 You 're not to know the ins and outs of my family .
23 Send not to know by whom the trigger is squeezed , it is squeezed by us all .
24 Paul ‘ determined not to know any thing … save Jesus Christ and him crucified . ’ ( 1 Corinthians 2 v. 2 ) .
25 There are some things best left alone — some things it 's better not to know . ’
26 But Sally was not to know that and she was mortified .
27 The blood on my face was not mine — though she was not to know this .
28 As a boy , of course , I was not to know of such matters , such degradation , such humiliation and indignities .
29 In the Epilogue to his great biography of Adolf Hitler , Alan Bullock comments : ‘ The Germans , however , were not the only people who preferred in the 1930s not to know what was happening ad refused to call evil things by their true names . ’
30 In this state it can seem as if there is a drive not to know too much about the other person .
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