Example sentences of "he without " in BNC.

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1 While this internal argument reached its height , his superiors argued about him without his knowledge .
2 In the end I just walk past him without looking at him .
3 Arty looked at him without welcome .
4 If this is proved , the court makes a preliminary order , called a ‘ receiving order ’ , which protects the debtor 's property and prevents creditors from suing him without the leave of the court .
5 This uses a video camera mounted on the tractor roof matched to a monitor screen on the dashboard to give the driver a view of what 's going on behind him without the need to turn round .
6 He could not recall when last she had laughed at him without ridicule .
7 Frankie never made the mistake of approaching him without invitation .
8 Then Wally Watmough had called Frankie 's mam a gypsy-woman and his dad a little black man , and the smaller boy , enraged , had attacked him without thought for the consequences .
9 Thinking of the provocatively slow way she might later take off her shiny red boots , dark hair falling down over her placidly unconcerned face as she bent to remove them , thinking of the longer , slower flow of her otherwise quick young body as she discarded her clothing bit by bit and turned with a sudden smile of submission towards his already rumpled bed , he was also holding in to himself and caressing within himself the glass-cased ideal of a woman — a Princess — who could be worshipped without being touched by bonily clutching fingers , who could transform him without being stickied by any of his bodily fluids .
10 Some dark impulse , it seems , had brought him without his knowledge to an Edwardian terrace notorious as the haunt of poor immigrants and richer prostitutes .
11 This time , however , some dark impulse had brought him without his knowledge to an Edwardian terrace notorious as the haunt of prostitutes .
12 His Central American agents and contacts were patted on the back , or sent into the field , with the words ‘ Vaya con Dios ’ , ( Go with God ) ; Calero remembered that he never left him without them .
13 Twice Ferdinando had come down to spend the night with her and twice she had refused him without offering any adequate reason .
14 He never forgot how it had once been , never seemed to regard her in any other way but as the person who had cared for him and loved him without reservation .
15 She handed it to him without comment .
16 An enemy could not approach him without being under his fire for the distance of more than a half-mile . ’
17 It was still unthinkable to see him without his sketchbook and pencil , but of the hundreds and hundreds of drawings he made , he gave away many or sold them for a few francs .
18 I 've seen him without .
19 Now Vic has reached the last traffic lights before the system of tunnels and flyovers that will conduct him without further interruption through the centre of the city .
20 Richard 's round brown eyes , normally bright and birdlike , drilled into him without a trace of humour .
21 I have been asked by my chief to ask you to let me have for him without further delay , the short note which he called ‘ on what you would advise should be done to concentrate and coordinate the work you are doing ’ .
22 He walked across the small park on the far side of the street towards the vast exhibition centre , glancing back frequently : he 'd chosen this route because it was impossible for Marler to follow him without being seen .
23 I want you to follow him without being spotted .
24 If he had not tried , they would have dropped him without a word .
25 Late in 1920 , however , the company was sold up , leaving him without work when the spectre of mass unemployment was looming on the horizon of the post-war economic boom .
26 Not like they were in the dreams he had had recently , where they could torment him without his being able to retaliate .
27 ‘ I know , ’ she replied and looked at him without smiling .
28 Costs were high because injuries to a male can easily be crippling or fatal , whereas serious injuries to his companion can leave him without an essential partner in combating rival coalitions .
29 This enables a student to optimise the opportunities presented to him without prejudice to his progression through the examination system .
30 All the lovely prickles and twists stopped and she was left with nothing but a feeling of panic , able to think of nothing but how could she stop him without making him angry .
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