Example sentences of "for her " in BNC.

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1 In Iran Marian Firouz , a writer and translator in her mid-70s , has remained imprisoned since 1983 for her non-violent political activities .
2 The Chilean Government denied all responsibility for her detention .
3 The young woman remembers how her mother would leave home at 5am day after day , and wait in the Marmoura forest near where the King used to play golf in an effort to plead with him for her husband 's life .
4 Still , by reading , and looking at Lee Krasner 's pictures in New York galleries , she was able to defend an independent liking for her SoHo artist .
5 When she came to writing for her college project , she found other material ; this will enable her to enjoy the work more fully on a second visit .
6 Isabella has visited Angelo to plead for her brother 's life .
7 While Kirdoff of the Langham Hilton in London won the prize for the best entrée — roast leg of Norfolk suckling pig with potato and leek ragoût — and Elizabeth Drudge of the Hilton National in Portsmouth won the top dessert prize for her hot Banbury apple pie .
8 She placed a hot Normandy pudding for the doctor to serve and a crème brûlée for her mistress to offer to those who preferred it .
9 ‘ According to the pathologist , the timing is wrong for her being poisoned except at the meal .
10 ‘ Darling ! ’ breathed Jay , drawing her close , searching for her adorable lips again , ‘ stay with me .
11 And afterwards , Jay started her own diary , for her eyes only .
12 How to make sense of Lucy and this dizzying all-consuming pain ; how to find a meaning for her life which had only acquired meaning with Lucy as its radiant centre .
13 She reached for her notebook and cigarettes and played the words around , wielded their texture and richness to sculpt a poem to her joy .
14 A poem for her eyes only , a poem she liked .
15 So Jay drifted next door for her dregs of brandy .
16 Now she tidied herself up , arranged her shawl on her forehead , and soothed the baby , who was still nuzzling for her breast .
17 Nathan 's illness apart , theirs was a home life of high-minded living , fun and goodness ; one which rang with Masha 's high spirits , an acceptable foil for her husband 's Edwardian style and manner , a real baleboste .
18 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
19 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
20 For her intelligence , beauty and charm he had the highest admiration ; it evoked a poem ‘ Party At Hydra : For Marianne ’ .
21 In the morning he woke to find Amanda already up and well on the way with preparations for her day , to judge by the clattering coming from the kitchen .
22 If only she and Michael had more time together , time for her feelings to rise close enough to the surface for her to be sure of what they were .
23 Susan said , loudly enough for her words to be clearly audible , ‘ That is not what I said President .
24 She went there for her weekly ecstasy , her Sunday ride .
25 Harriet makes for her wine cellar .
26 She pushed it back , and wiped the same hand on the Beatrix Potter apron Harriet had made her for her birthday .
27 At this she rose , washed her mouth ten times to make amends and performed twenty prostrations for her scepticism .
28 Putting sticks into the ground for her beans , she says , ‘ Oh the kids will take these .
29 She played for her native Czechoslovakia in 3–0 defeat of Austria in 1975 , and then played for the United States in 1982 and 1986 .
30 There have been people writing in asking for her fans to stop making excuses for her .
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