Example sentences of "it should " in BNC.

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1 In How Prints Look , first published in 1943 , he wrote ‘ an elementary introduction to the appearances ( the outward and visible signs ) of prints ’ , and cautioned that : ‘ Most of the time spent over it should be given to looking at its pictures . ’
2 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
3 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
4 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
5 It seems appropriate that the language of Four Quartets should enter the novel at one point — appropriate , too , of course , that it should be mocked .
6 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
7 But it should do more these days about practical matters — like the tax system and keeping yourself together while you 're out of work and waiting for the next job , for that is fifty percent of what you 'll be doing .
8 It should be added here that the high clergy hardly recognized that they had actually been exercising a political religious power of a specifically sectarian or monopolistic type .
9 It should be noted that contraceptives which can result in an abortion , often termed ‘ abortifacients ’ and including devices such as the coil and spermicidal lubricants and jellies , remain illegal in Ireland .
10 It should be noted that the largest threat to totalizing control of schools in Ireland has so far come from the integrated schooling movement .
11 A project is a project , he wrote , and once it is begun it should be carried through to the end , regardless of doubts about meaning , doubts about long runs , or doubts about anything else , unless the body screams for you to stop , of course one can not go on for long against the screaming of the body , but then that merely means one has miscalculated , it merely means one has begun too soon or too late or perhaps that the entire project was a miscalculation .
12 Sometimes plays straight , sometimes starts to distort , hardly perceptible at first , then more and more , until he is producing wild expressionist shrieks or light medieval dances , then gradually the hymn reasserts itself until all is as it should be .
13 When it is done , he wrote , it should look as though it had always been there .
14 It should have been done sooner , he wrote , but the truth is it would always have been too late .
15 So it should be at £101.62 a case ( all prices are quoted exclusive of VAT ) from Bibendum ( 071–722 5577 ) .
16 It should all be quite evident enough by now . ’
17 It should not be despised , Bombay talkies , any more than Mizoguchi despised the melodrama he took from the Kabuki theatre .
18 It should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand , but not so wet that water still runs out through the fingers .
19 It is suitable for even the smallest gardens , and if you can only accommodate one daisy-flowered perennial it should be this .
20 It should make a lovely display against ‘ Black Beauty ’ , another very distinctive pansy .
21 Unless the glider is going to be launched without delay , it should be turned out of wind and held with the into-wind wing down until it is needed .
22 However , it should have been obvious to the pilot , and to everyone at the launch point , that with either a swing or a wing-drop there would almost certainly be a collision .
23 All too often the pilot has a plan in his mind and sticks to it even when it should have become obvious that the situation has changed and his plan is no longer feasible .
24 It should be emphasised that there is no reason to discourage any but the most inexperienced solo pilots from opening the airbrakes in the final turn , provided the glider is not already low ( or slow ) .
25 Being able to land safely in fields should be one of the ultimate aims in glider pilot training and it should not be left to the pilot to decide for himself when he is competent to fly across country .
26 If it is the first flight of the day for you , then it should always be the aim to make it an accurate spot landing .
27 Provided that the need of slipping is spotted straight away , it should never be necessary to side-slip close to the ground .
28 It should meet BS 5446 Part 1 or it should have the Kitemark on it .
29 It should meet BS 5446 Part 1 or it should have the Kitemark on it .
30 It should never be undertaken if in any doubt .
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