Example sentences of "it and " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I see the Giotto frescoes at Padua I do not trouble to recognise which scene in the life of Christ I have before me , but I perceive instantly the sentiment which radiates from it and which is instinct in the composition in every line and color .
2 He admired it and talked about the artist 's meaning , and the noble ideas he attributed to him .
3 It 's pretty lightweight , most of it and what is n't lightweight is salacious , so I would n't think you 'd find much to stimulate you there , but you could try .
4 Galsworthy gives very precise details on the dimensions of the cell , the things that are in it and the character 's sequence of actions .
5 In fact I refused to believe it and went back to check , feeling ‘ they could n't mean me ’ .
6 It seemed to suit me and I seemed to suit it and I felt comfortable .
7 One might be forgiven for thinking that the bishops ’ letter had something to do with it and that Haughey was intent on constructing an alliance between those heeding the teaching of the hierarchy and the party faithful .
8 I can not express what a privilege it has been transcribing it and entering your very mind and spirit in the throes of creativity , as it were .
9 I look at it and I do n't even see it .
10 As so often , first idea best , though you only discover that when you 've decided to discard it and try something else .
11 Disaster to start it and disaster to go on with it .
12 Disaster to complete it and disaster to leave it uncompleted .
13 My advice to young people thinking of going into catering is to gain as much information as possible , try it and judge for yourself .
14 If the restaurant in question adds a service charge , then that is between it and the customer .
15 If you have no back-ups , then one day you will lose it and that could be the end of your business .
16 Identify a selection of cutlery distributors , send them one of your pieces of cutlery and ask them to match it and send their sample and yours back .
17 I do what I do to the best of my ability and hope that people will hear about it and come and visit .
18 Marion Conroy was on stage until the final curtain calls and came up the stairs with the rest of the cast afterwards , observing as she did that Pepper went into his No. 2 and shut the door but that Cissy opened it and went in after him , the wide-eyed babyish stare that was the caricaturists ' joy quite absent .
19 I thought about it and it made me feel a bit better .
20 ‘ But even if you knew beforehand who was going to get — say — the fifth plate , how could you put poison on it and not on the other plates ? ’
21 Then he added a fatal dose of your ethylene stuff to it and put it back on the carving rest … ’
22 I returned the book to the place on the shelf where I had found it and walked quietly out of the room .
23 It was a rather rickety affair that creaked embarrassingly when I sat down in it and ever after when I moved .
24 She 'd put a fifty-pound note in it and so she thought that it had been stolen .
25 Sarah 's house was at the other end of it and I could see a couple of cars parked outside what I was sure was their home .
26 She took hold of it and put it down on the floor .
27 Curious , I went up the path to have a look at it and I discovered to my no great surprise that it marked the entrance to a churchyard .
28 She blew it and at least we 've given her somewhere out of the cold .
29 I chose to ignore it and continued to doze .
30 Anyway , the people at SIS are big enough to take it and I respect them for that . ’
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