Example sentences of "be women " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He told them , ‘ You 're women , you 're going to be engineers .
2 ‘ He told them , ‘ You 're women , you 're going to be engineers .
3 Do we , I wonder , study television differently because we 're women ?
4 ‘ Because they 're women in a man 's world .
5 Especially if they 're women .
6 Certainly I and probably all the other lesbians in BLGC have come across racism in the predominantly white lesbian movement , for instance , the idea that race and issues of imperialism are irrelevant all that matters is the fact that we 're women and lesbians and that 's the only way that people are oppressed .
7 You 're women .
8 Cos they 're women .
9 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
10 It upset him that all the mourners should be women .
11 first they let journalists in , then literary agents ; it would be women members next .
12 When I was about 14 , I remember my sister and I pledging quite seriously to grow up and defy convention ; to be women who still wore jeans and long hair at 30 .
13 I am not very sure what 's wrong with her but I can tell by the way they start discussing the weather when I come into the room that it must be Women 's Trouble .
14 George : ‘ If you prefer 2,000 years of art history , whereby if you have an exhibition for nudes , then everyone assumes it must be women , that 's fine .
15 But we 've got to live by their rules and not expect privileges because we happen to be women . ’
16 Most of the participants will be women who are involved in journalism and communication training .
17 Although many homes may be managed by men , most of the low paid care assistants , and many of the residents are likely to be women .
18 Olsen points out that this sort of imagery is alienating for poets who happen to be women ; I would point out in addition the rather sinister implication that men are somehow masters of language , so that they and not we are entitled to decide her fate .
19 WACC is supporting a training programme for a team of 15 ‘ verbal stringers ’ ( or reporters ) , at least half of whom will be women .
20 And it will be women that 'll change it .
21 Here too the most common solutions appear to be women doctors and black doctors , albeit organised in collectives rather than on entrepreneurial , bureaucratic or capitalist lines .
22 He kills fourteen engineering students , who happen to be women , and then himself .
23 Well it should n't just be men , men , you know , it should be women as well .
24 While a higher proportion of temporary workers than of the total labour force were found to be women workers ( 6 per cent compared to 41 per cent ) , temporary workers were also ‘ considerably younger ’ than the generality of workers , largely because a high proportion of the former are still teenagers .
25 And , since most of your readers will be women , you should also describe the clothes other characters wear and to a lesser extent the rooms in which they meet each other .
26 These later attenders tended to be women who were younger , single , working class .
27 It 's still gon na take six times eight , but this time the six is the hours so the eight will be women .
28 His big thing at the moment does n't seem to be women but some ruined castle down in Berkshire that he 's getting restored . ’
29 is that it tends to be women who do more of it .
30 AS DEALERS prepare for an ‘ L ’ of a rush as August fast approaches , they can expect that far more of their customers than ever before are going to be women .
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