Example sentences of "be each " in BNC.

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1 A rather stiff-stemmed perennial whose few branches are each topped by a large daisy with reflexed petals .
2 The 1989 awards are each worth £300,000 , 20 per cent more than last year , due to particularly good returns on investments made by the Nobel Foundation .
3 We are each sitting there , the captain and I ( and my wife Ethna too , come to that ) , sipping our tea on opposite sides of this sleeping island and thinking our early , wide-awake thoughts .
4 Yet in all these random examples , which are each dimensions of the new Europe , it would n't occur to the participants for one second that they are being European .
5 CITIES targeted by the Government are each to have a minister from a team of nine headed by the Inner Cities Minister , Mr David Hunt , to advise them on regenerating the urban environment They will work with City Action Teams and Inner City Task Forces already set up , Mr Hunt yesterday told a London conference , Business in the Cities .
6 Dolphins , large and small whales , sea birds and turtles , as well as the fish and squid swimming in the upper surface of the ocean at night , are each year dying in their tens or hundreds of thousands , victims of these enormous and near invisible webs of death .
7 They are each outspoken and unconventional a trait that will get you in trouble every time .
8 Gordon Rockley and Russel Merkin are each losing £1000 a week pouring away milk supplies .
9 I also like ‘ Chocolate Peppermint ’ ; its large , downy mint-scented leaves are each marked with a dark brown blotch .
10 If the downwards forces are each one Newton at distances of plus and minus four metres , then the anticlockwise and clockwise moments equate at 4 Nm .
11 Like Haydn 's works , Mozart 's quartets are each in four movements and K.173 has a fugal finale , a device adopted by Haydn in three of his op.20 ( 17 18 ) .
12 He also believed that there is a perpetual strife of opposites : hot and cold , wet and dry , and so on , are each necessary complements to the other and their eternal conflict is the very basis of existence .
13 We are each very different with varying needs .
14 The sub-committee comprises about six experienced bureaux managers from the area , who are each responsible for representing their area on about five bureaux interviewing panels .
15 Given any three consecutive data values , the adjacent values are each given weight one quarter , whereas the middle value , the value being smoothed , is given weight one half .
16 In terms of the metric functions of the Szekeres line element ( 6.20 ) , the original solution is described by the three functions U , V and M which are each functions of f and g where , as in ( 7.8 ) , it is convenient to put ( 12.47 ) and , as in ( 12.4 ) , ( 12.48 )
17 In this case the approaching waves are each described by three functions either of u or of v satisfying a single equation which is either ( 6.22c ) or ( 6.22b ) .
18 Britain , Sweden and West Germany are each giving around £100 million ; Canada , Japan , Kuwait and the EEC have ensured that total aid is more than £400 million .
19 At the rear , the struts are each connected to two transverse links and a radius arm .
20 Bus stations at Wakefield and Castleford are each about 1km from the navigation .
21 In the course of ordinary domestic , family and work-place life , each of us voluntarily gives our name and address to a wide range of agencies , authorities and individuals , usually in expectation of a service ; in addition , of course , we are each of us under statutory obligations to give personal details to agencies of central and local government , whether as employed persons , voting citizens , rate-or-tax-payers or licensees ( of TV , dog , car , etc ) .
22 The idea behind playing chords such as those in figs 2–5 as double stops is that they are each played as a separate fingering .
23 Three striking heads on George Peters ' Flying Colours birdman designs are each 84in ( 213cm ) wide .
24 It therefore makes a lot of sense to save two-colour patterns that are large in sections that are smaller than 16,000 bits , or sections that are each 180 squares wide and 88 squares high .
25 Two lesser suites — one of which Mr Nixon has — are each £905 a night .
26 Husband and wife are each entitled to invest up to the maximum of £40,000 .
27 First my father 's plans for my marrying a French princess , precluded my offering you anything more than a clandestine attachment — and now , with the future so uncertain , I fear that clandestine attachment and French princess are each as remote as the other .
28 Two Harwich-based firms , Bernard Uniforms and Mansped , are each to shed ten workers as the recession continues to hit the area .
29 • F.T.I. 's Robin DR400 training aircraft are each flying up to 50 hours per week on continuous training exercises .
30 The lines of data are of the form ‘ line-number alternative — characters [ destinations ] ’ , and the alternative characters are each of the form ‘ reference-character : confidence ’ .
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