Example sentences of "the high " in BNC.

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1 The steel-gray expanse of the northern pebbled beach , overcast with the shadows of the high cliffs , creates the dominant black of Braque 's marines .
2 Ralph strives to address ‘ the high heid yins of Russia ’ to solicit news of the family , and receives his letter back from the Embassy in London , stamped : ‘ Communication not permitted . ’
3 He can look here at times a little like a man who has taken the first steps in a descent from the high ground of Self-consciousness , impersonality , fantastication and ironic indirection — not that this has lately been , or has ever been , literature 's only ground .
4 Internal commerce , from heavy machinery to domestic goods , largely ignores the border , and the high street banks are the same throughout Ireland .
5 As will be seen in the next chapter , when the republican wing under de Valera took over as the Fianna Fáil party in the 1930s , constitutional law was restructured , according to both a reformed republican ideology and current Roman social teaching , and in those areas where the high clergy thought it necessary .
6 This has always added to the clergy 's spiritual authority and status , and has tended to merge with the authority claimed by the clergy in matters of faith and morals , with the high clergy deciding what constitutes matters of faith and morals .
7 It is important to point out that these expressions which interpret Irish social reality and events are also used by the high clergy .
8 It should be added here that the high clergy hardly recognized that they had actually been exercising a political religious power of a specifically sectarian or monopolistic type .
9 The high court decision , announced at the end of December in that year , found on behalf of SPUC and declared such counselling by the Dublin Well Woman Centre and the Open Line counselling service to be illegal and ordered them to cease their public information service on the issue by 12 January 1987 .
10 The Grade II-listed George and Dragon in Chesham , Buckinghamshire : a fine Early Georgian refronting to the High Street , but inside little remains of its Georgian or Victorian fittings .
11 Due to the high level of ‘ burnout ’ common in such chefs , few are offered jobs .
12 It 's caught by locals on the high tides and subsequently brought to the hotel at very competitive prices , I do n't seem able to say no to it , ’ says Andrew Baird , head chef at Longueville Manor , St Saviour , Jersey .
13 Set against the sweeping backdrop of adventure on the high seas , TREASURE ISLAND charts a boy 's search for treasure in a time of danger and piracy .
14 In this case the necessary yawing movement is caused by the high drag of the badly stalled wing .
15 Pre-Astrid , Jay had been in a dead job , art workshops with utterly disillusioned teenagers , every morning she coughed she rang in sick , malingering Mondays , rain seeped in the doors of the empty bus every morning , the bus to the High Street for the next bus , hoping to be early enough to miss the screaming leering sneering schoolgirls she had to face all day .
16 Of all the kicks used in competition the high roundhouse kick is perhaps the easiest to see , though there are ways of disguising this .
17 The crowd was still thickening , filling back down the high street , but it looked like time to start .
18 A horse whinnied and reared ; the troop trotted quickly out of the inn yard towards the high road ; Colberg rode up as hundreds of people — women , children , men — ran out of the woods along the riverbank upstream .
19 They prepared Cameron for his appearance in the High Court of Justiciary by one final interview , a dry recapitulation of what had been said before , with the slightest of hints that it would go well for him if he divulged something about the United Scotsmen , who evidently still preyed on their minds .
20 A quarter of an hour later he stood alone at the edge of the High Street with as little notion of his next steps as a soldier discharged in Madras with the whole of India , Arabia , and Africa lying between him and his homeland .
21 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
22 Moreover he was a man of great devotion , who upheld the high ideals of the synagogue 's pulpit , the beauty of its services , as well as the splendour of the building itself .
23 There can be no doubt that something of this sort took place at this time in Montreal , and that it forms one of the subconscious inputs in the growing boy 's development , along with the high family traditions and the significance of his names .
24 These were the high days of ‘ square-dancing ’ .
25 Layton described the four things which stand out in Leonard , which give him the confidence to work as he does , and promote his work : The strong tradition of learning ; the business entrepreneurship of his family ; the broad philanthropy/charity which hall-marked it ; and , lastly , the self-awareness that comes from being a Cohen — not understood as class-distinction , but from the high symbolism of ‘ the priest and his role . ’
26 ( From which point we must not fail to understand the high importance of crypto-amnesiac inputs , as we shall see ) .
27 It was not , however , the luxuriance of his style or language which his former mentor , Louis Dudek , focused on in 1958 , but ‘ the total negation , ’ ‘ the high condition . ’
28 It is important to remember that the linguistic utterances of others are just as much externally observed behaviour as walking down stairs or pressing a button in a psychophysics laboratory although , because of the high information content of linguistic behaviour , we are prone to endow it with some mystical quality which opens a special window on to the mind of the person generating it .
29 These are documents which are often necessary to obtain access to a deceased person 's assets — further information may be obtained from the Principal Registry , Family Division of the High Court , 5th Floor , Golden Cross House , Duncannon Street , London , WC2N .
30 Age Concern believes that a national energy strategy is required to improve standards of insulation and energy conservation and to reduce the high costs of heating which deter poorer consumers from keeping themselves warm .
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