Example sentences of "[Wh pn] enjoy [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is a place for those who enjoy a lively , friendly atmosphere and are serious about their suntans — the pool at the Confort Plaza , although small , is probably the best suntrap in San Antonio .
2 Children who are able to understand explanations and who enjoy a relationship of trust and affection with their parents usually listen to firm demands and prohibitions from them — especially if they know why they are necessary .
3 Parents who enjoy a happy relationship with their own parents , may find it easier to adapt to a new kind of relationship with their own fast-maturing children .
4 A small amount of alcohol is far more likely to be beneficial than harmful to healthy people who enjoy a drink
5 She may also be helped to understand that if she is willing to try to spread the love she once gave to one person around to others who may be badly in need of it , she will move into an entirely different dimension emotionally : one that will provide her with new satisfactions and in which she will discover that the lovers of this world are not only those who enjoy a close and exclusive relationship .
6 I suppose there are those who enjoy a good evening 's revising ; but there ca n't be many .
7 Now as Catwoman whips Batman and the box office into a frenzy , those who enjoy a little sub/dom in the privacy of their own homes are actually being criminalised .
8 One of the largest US manufacturers is Smith and Wesson who enjoy a substantial export trade , including Central and South America and the Middle East .
9 Everlast has made much in recent interviews of HOP 's lack of meaning — they 're just regular guys who enjoy a few bevvies and like to get laid , they do n't pretend otherwise , and no-one should come to them expecting anything else .
10 Situated right at the heart of the bustling seafront at Forte dei Marmi , this hotel is a good choice for those who enjoy a lively convivial holiday .
11 Oahu boasts the swinging , high-rise resort of Waikiki Beach in Honolulu , favourite with slick jet setters who enjoy a fast-moving lifestyle and cosmopolitan atmosphere .
12 The easy atmosphere and lively evenings make Paxos our recommended dinghy holiday for those who enjoy a really active social life ; it 's ideal for people by themselves .
13 ‘ They are a lovely bunch of youngsters who enjoy a giggle with their friends .
14 ‘ They are a lovely bunch of youngsters who enjoy a giggle with their friends .
15 ‘ They are a lovely bunch of youngsters who enjoy a giggle with their friends .
16 These occasions are only for humorists who enjoy the captains ' and coaches ' mumbled no-comments , and pusillanimous platitudes from grown men .
17 These occasions are only for humorists who enjoy the captains ' and coaches ' mumbled no-comments , and pusillanimous platitudes from grown men .
18 People who enjoy the arts , sport , Britain 's heritage and fine countryside could all benefit from the proceeds from a National Lottery .
19 If we sell more records there will be more people who enjoy the band and like the album .
20 There are the News of the World types who enjoy the sensational , the sex and the thrills .
21 When we tell you that baked beans on toast ( as long as the toast is made with wholemeal bread ) is one of the best high-fibre meals you can eat , it should give great reassurance to those who enjoy the more homely delights of the table .
22 In recent years there have been increasing numbers of visitors who enjoy the facilities which have been developed for windsurfing , scuba diving and game fishing ( tunny , marlin , barracuda etc ) .
23 And Peter James 's TWILIGHT ( Signet , £4.99 ) is a good choice for those who enjoy the paranormal .
24 This can be particularly true with ageing counsellees , who enjoy the company offered to them through counselling , and who perhaps are not committed to the idea of change ‘ at their age ’ .
25 Because Port Solent is for those who enjoy the ultimate maritime lifestyle .
26 Birdwatchers , walkers and those who enjoy the animals imported by Sheikh Zayed found the island cut off .
27 There is some attraction now for those who enjoy the diesel locomotive because the railway has a growing collection .
28 The MCofS have objected to the present proposal , and although the deadline for objections will have passed before you read this , I would urge all walkers and climbers who enjoy the Cuillin Hills still to send their objections to Highland Regional Council , .
29 In concrete terms , Miliband has argued that in a capitalist society , the interests of private capital will invariably and necessarily be taken into account in the development of public policy and so we should not expect to see business leaders standing on a soap box anymore than we should expect to see those who enjoy the ear of government organising on the streets .
30 Words like blood and loyalty and revenge and endurance awaken something primitive in their auditors , who enjoy the sensation of adrenalin coursing in their veins .
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