Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had already " in BNC.

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1 One of Morelli 's youthful students was Bernard Berenson , whom Morelli described in 1890 as ‘ an extraordinarily scholarly young man who had already advanced far in the study of art ’ .
2 Of particular importance to the anti-divorce campaign was a lawyer , William Binchy , who had already produced a book in 1984 on the subject .
3 The other big losers of the day were the Houston Oilers , who had already lost games they should have won .
4 We were laying other horses in the race , sometimes taking bets from people who had already backed Travelling Light .
5 Hawksmoor , who had already had a great deal of experience as an architect , was brought in as clerk of works and it is quite likely that the design was by both men .
6 Yet the prohibition of cock-fighting and animal-baiting was only politically possible because of the tacit consent of the landed élite , who had already largely desert ed these activities for more exclusive and civilized ones .
7 So the literary set , many of them agnostic or hostile to religion , ranged behind Lord David , while those who had already committed themselves , together with those who esteemed him as a scholar , voted for E. K. Chambers .
8 The Third Division front-runners , who had already knocked Millwall out of this competition and have not lost at home for 12 months , refused to be intimidated , then turned the tables .
9 He was among the hundreds of thousands of people who had already posted their application forms .
10 ‘ Our conclusion was based on a ( spoken presentation ) by people who had already decided that Kent Opera would lose its subsidy . ’
11 Mr Roy Hattersley , the shadow Home Secretary , said he was deeply uneasy about rushing legislation through Parliament to try suspects who had already been named .
12 The DTI said it wanted to avoid the risk of a ‘ disorderly collapse ’ which would have threatened the savings of those people who had already put money into the funds .
13 For the next 4 ½ hours the men held us hostage , told us about their comrades who had already fallen in battle , and threatened to kill us .
14 Hermione Farthingale was one of the girls who had already been chosen and foolishly , I realized later , or maybe wisely , I partnered David and Hermione together because Hermione was extremely beautiful .
15 They chose Ian Botham , their young hero — he was then twenty-four — who had already performed great deeds in the twenty-five Tests he had so far played .
16 Matters were not helped by the Sabina Park authorities providing one sightscreen that was too low to be of much use if the bowler was over six feet ( 1.8 metres ) tall , and when England complained after the game against Jamaica the reply was that it could not be raised without obscuring the view of some two hundred people who had already bought tickets .
17 The British people had just elected a Conservative Government , headed by Britain 's first ever woman Prime Minister , who had already earned the reputation of being ‘ the best man for the job ’ in the Conservative Party .
18 It had been arranged by the conspirators that the young shop steward , who had already collected two warning notes as planned , would take out a set of spark plugs in his lunch box at the mid-day break .
19 The students had not yet arrived , but I took meals in the refectory with a few of the college authorities and professors who had already started the new term 's work .
20 It was tragic for Clarissa and , Peregrine observed sadly , tragic for Charity too , who had already had her full share of bad news since the BEF got back from France .
21 All I need do was agree to a list of people who had already been named , so I would n't be hurting anyone .
22 I had been told about periods at primary school when I was ten years old , but apart from that , the only information I had was what I got through talking to friends at school , because some had older sisters who had already started .
23 At times Kylie , who had already appeared on television by then , would talk of her hopes for fame .
24 She was delighted at having the chance to work with one of the rock world 's most distinguished performers who had already branched out into the movie business .
25 Henri 's unexpected death changed the political circumstances , but left the need to act unaltered ; for the accession of Francis and Mary opened the way for the dominance of Mary 's uncles of Guise : the duke , and the cardinal who had already tried to teach Mary a statecraft which left no room for indifference to Scotland .
26 By a strange irony of history , the prime minister in 1939 , as a result of deaths and resignations , was Count Pál Teleki who had already served briefly as prime minister from 1920 to 1921 .
27 Over a quarter of the votes went in protest to Mr Paul Tsongas , who had already suspended his campaign .
28 Only the 107 who had already been to courses were asked this question and the replies are shown in Table 24 .
29 He continued his studies in France at the Royal Garden of Plants in Paris under Joseph Pitton de Tournefort , a French botanist who had already made expeditions to Spain , Greece and Asia Minor , and later produced a new classification of plants , accompanied by descriptions of the genera .
30 In 1543 , Henry VIII took as his sixth wife , Catherine Parr , who had already survived two husbands , and she also survived Henry VIII who died in 1547 , to be succeeded by his nine year old son , Edward VI , who became an enthusiastic Protestant .
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