Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have become " in BNC.

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1 The problem is n't just with the person who has become dependent on alcohol .
2 The 38-year-old Methodist son of a Ghanaian cabinet Minister , Mr Boateng is a former solicitor who has become a strong supporter of Mr Kinnock 's leadership since becoming an MP .
3 Sometimes , in a person who has become sensitized , there may be small vesicles in the shin which release a clear fluid when ruptured after scratching .
4 Scott replaced former marketing director Ian Kennedy , who has become general manager for indirect business channels within the company .
5 Broadly speaking , a man 's experience of grief when he loses his life-partner is similar to a woman 's ; but there are one or two important differences worth bearing in mind if you are caring for an elderly parent who has become a widower .
6 Those are the words of Rose Laird , a pioneer in skincare who has become a legend in the beauty industry .
7 She 's had a hectic Christmas — one long round of shopping , cleaning and cooking for the entire family , including Malc 's brother and his wife and his mother , who has become confused and forgetful since Dad 's death and Lynda has taken care of her with selfless dedication .
8 Norwich would be loathed to sell a player who has become such a huge hit with Carrow Road fans after instilling genuine belief that the club could win the Championship .
9 The failing individual is one who has become fixed , unable to react appropriately to the people and circumstances around him .
10 Often they will enter a family situation where the focus of all difficulties lies with one person , perhaps the ageing parent who has become dependent upon the younger members of the family .
11 But she failed to recognise the businessman who has become one of Norfolk 's most famous sons , the county where she has her Sandringham estate .
12 Going to ‘ day care ’ may involve too early a start for someone who has become a night owl while living alone .
13 In May at his gallery Eigen & Art , Judy Lybke is showing the works of Kaeseberg from Leipzig ( who has become famous as a painter and a draughtsman ) : roughly carved wood sculptures reflect on our use of toys and the apparatus of war .
14 The first , by Anne Vallayer-Coster ( who has become tres chic since a runaway success at Sotheby 's Monaco some five years ago ) depicts a natural-history composition with marine animals and is estimated at FFr4–5 million ( £488,000–610,000 ; $743,000–929,000 ) .
15 Alexander Rutskoi , the vice-president who has become an ineffectual standard-bearer for the opposition , claimed that there ‘ can be no talk of overall popular support for Mr Yeltsin ’ , because a majority of all voters either voted against the president or did not vote .
16 Ellis was succeeded by Beto , who has become a man of considerable controversy , both with supporters and detractors , in writings about the history of prisons .
17 Paul O'Grady remains chairman of Micro Focus Plc and Brian Reynolds a director , but the Coboller has set up a four-man management committee to act as its chief executive : the committee will consist of John Beggs , who has become president of worldwide sales after the creation of a single sales force , Paul Adams , the new president of products and business development , Bob Connors , who becomes chief operating officer and Ron Forbes , who remains chief finance and administrative officer , the company said .
18 Meanwhile SunPics has recruited Lalita Tademy from Alps Electric ( USA ) as its new vice president and general manager , replacing Bill Marr who has become vice president , US sales at Sun Microsystems .
19 When Faraway Moses , who was once Count St Sylvain and a Black Rider , is captured and imprisoned , Jasper the Terrible , who has made himself responsible for the boy in his own household , offers to release the man who has become like a father to Dick if he will reveal the names of the other Confederates .
20 Discovery to find the identity of a wrongdoer was held to be available against anyone against whom the plaintiff has a cause of action in relation to the same wrong ; someone who has become ‘ mixed up in the affair ’ and incurred any liability to the person wronged must make full disclosure on that point even though the person wronged has no intention of proceeding against him .
21 The lines of a-poem were written on a plaque at the end of our corridor , ( He who has become a son of France , not through blood received , but by blood spilt . )
22 In its origin [ Christianity ] presents to man and woman a glorious picture of sexual integrity : the Son of God who has become man and flesh , knowing from inside his Father 's work and perfecting it in the total self-giving of himself , not only of his spiritual but precisely also of his physical powers , giving not only to one individual but to all .
23 Maria is one of the many examples of the younger generation who has become politically involved against the regime through her participation in a Christian community .
24 In my view in the case of such a statutory assignment the person to whom compensation is payable under section 58 is B. He is the person who has become entitled to the deposit in place of A. The expression ‘ depositor ’ in that section is apt to embrace him as the assignee of A , and the ‘ protected deposit ’ referred to is the liability of the bank to him in respect of the United Kingdom sterling deposit or deposits to which he is entitled .
25 The picture tries to portray Charles ‘ as he is at the moment — someone who cares about the world around him , somebody who has become a very caring person .
26 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
27 ( 2 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to it in that behalf by : ( a ) the executors , representatives or disponees of any person who held a licence in respect of premises situated within the area of the board and who has died before the expiry of the licence ; or ( b ) the trustee , judicial factor or curator bonis of any person holding such a licence who has become bankrupt , insolvent or incapable before the expiry of the licence ; transfer the licence to the applicant if the applicant is in possession of the premises .
28 St Paul is particularly fond of describing the contrast between the man or woman without God , and the state of a person who has become a Christian and has now found God .
29 An alcohol problems voluntary agency helps Mrs F who has become involved in a family self-help group .
30 WE were the first to tip you off about Ryan Giggs , who has become a household name at Manchester United … now we 're telling you to watch out for another youngster .
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