Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have lost " in BNC.

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1 It is headed by the big man 's white man , the Belgian scholar Raymond , who has lost favour with his patron and is sinking into ceremonies of highly-placed sagacity , Salim has an affair with the white man 's white woman , his stylish wife Yvette : radical chic persuades him that he ‘ never wanted to be ordinary again' .
2 Not only is it little consolation , he wrote , it is actually a further cause for despair , for it only shows that everything is far too late , that the glass was a dream of lateness and the work on the glass was a fantasy of lateness and the belief in the glass was the madness of one who has lost all sense of the meaning of lateness .
3 Anyone who believes that Mr Chatrier 's remarks can be dismissed either as those of someone who has lost touch with reality , are also way off the mark .
4 Medically , it 's impossible for someone who has lost their sight due to glaucoma to get it back . ’
5 Boucher , who has lost only three of his 23 fights and carries a powerful right-hand punch , will represent a fair test .
6 This requirement contributes to the excusing element in the provocation doctrine , the idea being that a person who has lost self-control is less responsible for subsequent conduct .
7 Is it not both illogical and unreasonable to require a person who has lost self-control to ensure , none the less , that his response is not disproportionate ?
8 Heseltine , a stocky man who has lost his Australian accent but retained an attractive Australian directness , is one of the principal architects of the new style of monarchy .
9 In most cases , it is you who has lost the way , enmeshed in the currents of life .
10 Mannesmann promptly subcontracted the job , through a firm registered in super-discrete Lichtenstein , to one Bernard Paringaux , a waste handler who has lost his licence at least once , and presumably knows how to lose a touchy cargo .
11 ANYONE WHO HAS LOST a finger in an accident will be painfully aware that the human species is incapable of regrowing lost appendages .
12 It should be remembered that generalisation about bereavement or any deep experience in life can be dangerous if carried to extremes , and if you are caring for an elderly parent of either sex who has lost his or her partner , you will have no idea of just how painful their sorrow is for them , so it will be wise simply to assume , whatever their reaction may be , that they are going through a very bad time indeed .
13 Piper , the Cardiff-based fighter with a MENSA rating of 153 who has lost only once in 18 fights , simply believes he is too clever for Benn .
14 TELFORD 'S Richie Woodhall will defend his Commonwealth middleweight title in Wolverhampton on January 20 against Jacques Le Blanc , a former Canadian champion who has lost only four of his 25 contests .
15 Take the custom of mourning , for instance ; at the funeral itself , and traditionally for a much longer period , a woman who has lost a husband or close relative wears black , and can be thus almost anonymous in appearance .
16 the absence of any bereavement payment of £3,500 to persons other than a spouse or parent who has lost a child under 18 .
17 Under its image of the jeweller who has lost his pearl in an orchard , this describes a father lamenting his dead infant daughter in the graveyard where she is buried .
18 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
19 He did not talk like this with anyone else , but his father would not laugh at talk of the Holy-Place-From-Over-the-Great-Water or the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much .
20 Even if she does dance again Nicola , who has lost part of her right eye 's sight , will have to relearn how to pirouette to overcome her disability .
21 The championship leaders have contacted Wigan chairman Jack Robinson about the £120,000tagged Myers , who has lost his senior place since the arrival of Martin Offiah .
22 Not for Roger Twose , who has lost weight and gained stature after a successful winter in New Zealand — where his parents live — playing for Central Districts .
23 It is , however , a way of living which many wise men have advised against , because if the loved person should not return the love , or be absent for some time , or worst of all , should die , then there is no misery worse than that of someone who has lost their sexually loved partner .
24 He cited a Daily Mail article , rather curiously signed Editor , which had attacked him for presiding over the disappearance of ‘ an immense fortune ’ left hint by his father , and had concluded : ‘ It is difficult to see how the leader of a party who has lost his own fortune can hope to restore those of anyone else , or his country .
25 For instance , a sales pitch claiming that a major discovery has been made in the North Sea sounds suspect to the investor who has lost out several times in the past .
26 Any patient who has been unable to eat or who has lost weight may therefore require extra nutritional supplements before surgery .
27 The worker who has lost this belief will convey this attitude to the parents , and partnership will collapse .
28 A child who has lost its father either by death or divorce is not helped by a mother who denies her own sadness .
29 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
30 A man with a poor employment history , who has lost several jobs and experienced intermittent phases of unemployment , has a considerably raised probability of becoming depressed when he is again made redundant ( Eales , 1985 ) , but will also have a raised chance of being near the top of an employer 's list for redundancy in so far as it is the policy of many employers to exercise a ‘ last in first out ’ policy .
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