Example sentences of "[been] concerned [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So far as education is concerned , it is known that the government has been concerned for some time about an alleged willingness on the part of some teachers to bring the question of homosexuality out into the open in a way that seeks to normalise it as a form of human relationship .
2 The board has been concerned for some years about the possible impact of excessive dependence on coal — used for 80 per cent of electricity currently generated — if developments in the domestic or international coal market push prices up rapidly .
3 Someone , somewhere must have been concerned for and worried about these unfortunate children and found their absence odd ; surely too , someone must have paid their fare and seen them off on their journey .
4 Most current work concentrates on child sexual abuse , and SSMH has been concerned for some time about the vulnerability of adults with learning disabilities .
5 He had been concerned for Kafy ; more than he would have thought , for someone whose interest in him stretched no further than his wallet .
6 He had been concerned for her .
7 Does the Minister recognise that those of us who are friends of Kenya have been concerned for some time that that country has been slipping from the flagship position of good and open government in Africa ?
8 May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on what he has done at Maastricht in limiting the powers of the Commission , about which my constituents have been concerned for a long time ?
9 The , the thing is that I 've been concerned for some time when it 's finally helped , f f found for next month , because
10 The national park has been concerned for some time about the volume of heavy lorries using roads through the park .
11 CALLS FOR an independent body to monitor the Government 's use of statistics followed two recent cases which attracted widespread criticism , but some academics have long been concerned about the independence of British official statistics .
12 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
13 Ministers are known to have been concerned about the level of orders for the Crown Suppliers , since ministries could order furniture elsewhere .
14 Over the previous twenty years we had become preoccupied with structural arguments about regions and areas when we should have been concerned about how the service was run .
15 The Conservatives have been concerned about what they have regarded as bias , especially left-wing bias , in the way issues have been presented to pupils by some teachers .
16 Democrats have always been concerned about the abuse of power , not petty larceny .
17 Ever since the RSPCA established a Working Party to look at the implications of fishing , we have been concerned about one of its conclusions , which is that fish should be given the benefit of the doubt with regard to their ability to experience pain .
18 They have been concerned about damaging them or losing their affection .
19 What I have been concerned about in this short section has been to compare some simple forms of growth equations deriving from quite different traditions .
20 More recently it has been concerned about the University 's financial and management difficulties .
21 Mrs James , of York , had been concerned about her brother-in-law Richard James 's relationship with Holmes , magistrates heard .
22 Open-ended questions are useful in encouraging parents to talk , for example ‘ Would you like to tell me what you have been concerned about ?
23 His mother had been concerned about his weight for nearly three years and a previous admission for investigation of the cause had found nothing organically wrong .
24 The lady remembered my visit well , said she had been concerned about me and confided that , to provide me with a good meal , she had walked the five miles into Lochinver and back to buy fresh fish .
25 While it is clear that both institutions have been concerned about their disappointing financial results , neither has been able correctly to identify the causes of their distress , let alone face the facts .
26 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
27 Beth had long been concerned about Cissie 's ‘ wanderings ’ .
28 It was Helen who pointed out that Mrs Fitton would have been concerned about the newspapers , as well as with her regard for Edward and for Edward 's welfare .
29 NICRA had been concerned about the potential for violence which arose when the Apprentice Boys of Derry gave notice of their intention to stage an ‘ Annual Initiation Ceremony ’ to coincide with the demonstration .
30 Singapore has also been concerned about the role of Vietnam in Southeast Asia .
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