Example sentences of "[been] developed [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the Western world 's best sites have now been developed but potential still exists in less developed countries ; Zaire , for example , contains half of Africa 's hydro-electric potential .
2 A substantial part of the industrial land has been developed but the job yield has been far below initial expectations .
3 A British megaton weapon had been developed and would shortly be tested .
4 Those that remain have made a personal investment in time and energy ; they have a stake in maintaining the system that has been developed and replacements will need to make their mark and have freedom to develop new ideas , from this a sense of identity , ownership and commitment will develop .
5 Until this study was carried out the individual elements of the FAOR methodology had been developed and tested in isolation , each being the responsibility of different organisations within the FAOR partnership .
6 Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students ' ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA .
7 Acyclovir has been developed and marketed by the Burroughs Wellcome company , and while it is certainly not an anti-viral panacea it is proving of definite benefit in the treatment of herpes virus infections .
8 The application of sophisticated mathematical techniques and other Blue Skies approaches in engineering may come about through collaboration , but the important point to realise is that once formal or rigorous methods have been developed and applied successfully in one field of engineering , they may be applicable , suitably modified , to others and perhaps lead to more reliable specifications and designs in general .
9 Since that time , a range of CFCs has been developed and identified with numbers , hence you will read about CFC 11 , 12 , 13 , 113 , 114 and 115 .
10 A method for transforming the field intensity anomalies , which are scalar quantities , into estimates of the vector field anomalies has been developed and applied to the data for Bathgate .
11 The software has been developed and tested with the aid of data derived from laboratory experimental apparatus designed to investigate rock-water reactions at elevated temperature and pressure ( 200°C , 300 bars ) under fluid-flow conditions .
12 There are many tests of children 's language which have been developed and marketed over a number of years .
13 The textbase STATLT holding the statutes for England has been developed and refined in a series of projects since 1980 and at the start of the project described here already provided a very detailed definition of the data structure [ 1 ] , full text-searching facilities , symbolic addressing in the manner of Figure 2 and a multi-valued attribute marg-note-xref in each text unit to record cross-references made to other parts of the text [ 23 ] .
14 An excellent example of such a walk has been developed and waymarked by councils in the eastern county of Gwent — a move which in itself is a sign of changed official attitudes and priorities .
15 The task of the teacher was to help children ‘ obtain insight into certain basic ways in which human experience has been developed and elaborated ’ .
16 Official regulation of headhunting in Britain , in contrast with the USA , has not been developed and no widely accepted written body of rules exists .
17 Some anaspids have specialized elongate paired fins which may have been developed and restricted to this group ( Fig. 1 f ) .
18 ‘ It 's much easier for a company to run a standard operating system on a telephone switching system , ’ says Price , ‘ because the systems management stuff has already been developed and can run on it too . ’
19 Written documents could be and were easily forged whereas seals , crosses , medallions etc. were , in the way in which they had been developed and used in pre-Norman Britain , distinctive individual objects , which were less easily forged , more identifiable and more obviously linked to particular individuals .
20 The nature of psychoanalysis as a communicative encounter has been developed and refined by Jurgen Habermas .
21 Can I just say to you that that 's already been developed and worked out we 're intending in the next cycle to bring you proposals for a housing strategy , er on social housing , and within that we 're intending to run a series of short seminars for members to give members , all members , not just members of this committee but members of all area committees until everybody has that information background information on things like , social housing , partnerships , housing association grant so that everybody 's in a position to actually er , see and make a decision on what this council wants out of social housing , but all of that will take place in the next cycle Chair .
22 By 1968 four Board of Trade advance factories had been developed and allocated on the Bassington Estate .
23 It is only during this century that statutory services have been developed and they came in a very piecemeal fashion .
24 Systems of treatment based on simple clinical signs have been developed and validated for the management of respiratory infections .
25 And such conviction of normality , such certainty that their essence has been developed and fixed by love , and is now to be framed forever , gives them a touching arrogance .
26 This model has been developed and validated over the past four years by a research team at Loughborough University through extensive experimentation .
27 The generation of power from nuclear fission , generating intense radioactivity , has been developed and used commercially for several decades to meet part of the world demand for electrical energy .
28 The Civil Service view is that what is best for the country is a continuation of the centrist and consensual policies that have been developed and sold to party politicians over many years .
29 A publicity package has been developed and is in circulation in Lothian through pre-driver training classes for the 16–18 age group in schools , driving schools and Department of Transport Test Centres .
30 New dating techniques had been developed and these were used on Piltdown Man so exposing him as a fraud .
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