Example sentences of "[been] built [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The forerunners of the railway stations of the Trans-Siberian were the ètapes , the stockaded rest stations with barrack-like rooms , and the post-houses which had been built across Siberia earlier in the century .
2 The airstrip , with its unfriendly yellow cross that warned strange aircraft from landing , had been built across the curved flukes of the anchor , which otherwise seemed to be covered in low scrub , slash pine and sea-grape .
3 She lost her way ; new fiats had been built across roads marked in the A to Z , and it was difficult to find anyone who had heard of Leominster Gardens .
4 These main-line electric multiple units had been built between 1959 and 1963 for the Kent Coast electrification with a design life of approximately twenty-five years .
5 In the US the historic walls which had been built between the banking system and the savings and loans were breached without attention to the integrity of the financial system .
6 The figure of 231 Boulton and Watt steam engines as having been built between 1775 and 1800 is now less certain .
7 While all that agitation was going on a dual carriageway had been built between Aberdeen and Stonehaven .
8 The house was more modern than she had expected — at a guess , she thought it must have been built between the wars .
9 This had been built during the American War when he toured England to rally support among Radical and Nonconformist circles for Lincoln 's armies .
10 On either side of it , where the houses had been bombed , blocks of dull flats had been built during Jarvis 's childhood .
11 It seems strange that the chancel and tower should be given an earlier date than the nave for it is presumed to have been built during the Bishopric of Haymo , who carried out considerable building at Halling .
12 Yet it has not been built without cost .
13 The Volvo Cup is the world indoor championship , but Del Mar 's new stadium has been built without a roof .
14 It is said to have been built without nails , bolts , dowels or other fixings to a design by Newton , but to have been bolted together following its dismantling by drunken students who were unable , when sober , to reverse their vandalism !
15 The Panama Canal could not have been built without the help of Guppies .
16 And he admits to being impressed by new housing partnerships between the public and private sectors on projects which could not have been built without the co-operation of both parties .
17 It has its roots in northern Europe , particularly Denmark , where more than 120 co-housing projects have been built since 1972 .
18 New stations have been built since independence at Jodhpur , Siliguri , and Baroda , among many others .
19 Although 24 large conference complexes have been built since 1975 and 22 new centres are expected within the next five years , hotels are still well placed to cater for conference business , as shown by the following table :
20 By 1939 one third of all the houses in England and Wales had been built since 1918 ; and extensive urban land absorption was in evidence particularly in the 1930s .
21 In 1721 she had 124 ships of the line and 105 smaller vessels , of which roughly a quarter had been built since 1714 .
22 on the the light of the commitments of which a substantial amount are act actually planning permission , and some four thousand odd will actually have been built since ninety one .
23 Most evening activity starts in the American style caf é/bar; that has been built down at street level .
24 Since 1960 new docks and an oil terminal have been built down river to handle larger ships and a growing trade , which is mainly with Europe .
25 I was disappointed that the water-wheel had gone — the kitchen had been built over the pit which had housed it .
26 In his last visit to North Korea , Ceauşescu had been able to see the thirty-storey concrete pyramid in the centre of Pyongyang which had been built under the inspiration of the Dear Leader , Kim Jong Il ( albeit from an original idea by George Orwell ) .
27 A path has now been built under the arch of the bridge at the east end of Glasgow Green .
28 Over the centuries , a string of mills had been built along the Chelt , virtually all of them corn mills .
29 An oil pipeline links Milford Haven and Swansea and four new refineries have been built along the coast of Milford Haven .
30 It 's the dams and hydro-electric barrages which have been built along the Dnepr , down to the Black Sea .
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