Example sentences of "[been] true [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( The French population tended to shift to the towns much more slowly ; we are told the rate was about 3 per cent per decade down to 1911 , and this had been true for a century . )
2 About twenty years after the sack of Aurae Phiala , Honorius finally issued an edict that recognised what had been true for nearly a century .
3 It has been true for years of much of manufacturing ( completely differentiating the position of , for instance , Peugeot-Renault in France from British Leyland , or Bull from ICL ) .
4 Although the chemistry of modern Earth-bound life is all carbon-chemistry , this may not be true all over the universe , and it may not always have been true on this Earth .
5 For example , if the Bushmen of the Kalahari , who live by hunting and gathering , accord a high status to women this , it was assumed , must also have been true of the hunters and gatherers of prehistoric times .
6 The same seems to have been true of other clubs .
7 There is no reason to suppose that the Russians are seeking trouble and the same has so far been true of the East Germans .
8 Since the 1960s the same has been true of France .
9 This may have been true of strict Evangelicals , particularly the Calvinists , the dissenting groups such as the Plymouth Brethren , but in the population of the cities where churchgoing had fallen steeply , fire and brimstone were losing their power to terrify .
10 You have the score in your mind — you once said you do n't need a tape or a score to oversee in your mind the whole of Tristan — and this has obviously been true of other great conductors .
11 The same , of course had been true of the period of intensive ‘ peace efforts ’ , 1967–73 .
12 If this has been true of the past , it is even more true of the present and seems likely to be truer still of the future .
13 What has always been true of secondary schools is now becoming true of primary schools also , and one of the main vehicles for that change is the Education Reform Act .
14 Its formidable bulk means that you are unlikely to want to carry it about with you if you can avoid it , but that has probably been true of most audit manuals for some time now .
15 This had especially been true of the larger members .
16 That has certainly been true of banks since the Basle capital standards were set in 1988 .
17 In the twentieth century increasingly it has become possible for older people who have withdrawn from the labour market to support themselves from resources provided by the state rather than rely on their families ; the same has not been true of the youngest generation .
18 It seems likely that once the board schools were well established for both sexes , by the 1880s , the same thing will have been true of girls .
19 says Clare about his native Helpston in the years after its enclosure , and that must have been true of most parishes that underwent the great transformation .
20 The Mercians would seem to have had influence in Berkshire at an earlier date in the reign of Wulfhere and the same may well have been true of Somerset , in which case what Aethelbald was doing was appropriating border territories traditionally in dispute between the Mercians and the western Saxons .
21 It is hardly likely that this could have been true of the greatest of them , Whittington , because his father had died with his estate encumbered by an outlawry incurred in a plea of debt .
22 Ely , for example , had already received the bulk of the lands it held in 1086 , and the same may well have been true of other foundations such as Glastonbury , Abingdon and the Old and New Minsters in Winchester .
23 The former rather than the latter could have been true of Brihtheah of Worcester , whose family was that of Archbishop Wulfstan of York and Worcester , but whose kins-men lived in Berkshire , while if Symeon of Durham 's account of the election of Bishop Edmund is correct , Cnut simply confirmed a choice made in Durham .
24 Ironically , the government really has been true to its policy of noninterference in the ‘ free market ’ where women 's opportunities are concerned , though in other areas it has often recognised the paradox that non-interventionist policies require intervention to make them work .
25 Shadow Environment Secretary Jack Straw added bitterly : ‘ The only thing the Liberals have been true to is their colours — yellow . ’
26 Otto had been true to his word and left out for me a pair of boy 's shorts .
27 Black Basalt has been true to the prophecy of Josiah Wedgwood who said of it : ‘ The Black is sterling and will last forever . ’
28 This has been true at any time between four and 25 years after marriage .
29 Whatever generalizations might have been true at the level of national policy , it was becoming evident towards the end of an era that had been marked by political consensus that in Greater London and some of the other metropolitan areas the public accountability and operational methods of the police were no longer consensual .
30 The same had not been true at Cambridge .
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