Example sentences of "[been] around the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , it 's been around the common room for some time now . ’
2 ‘ At parties , if people ask what you 've been doing and you tell them that you 've just been around the world , it stops the conversationd ead . ’
3 She was very young , 18 or 19 , and relatively immature although much more worldly wise than I was because she had lived a much more international sort of life , and having been around the music scene a lot more than I had , she was streetwise at her age to a greater degree than I — there was no question of that .
4 It has been around the world with him .
5 He had been around the scene for long enough to know how to manipulate meetings without getting everyone 's back up .
6 Scott has been around the rock and blues circuit in Ireland for some time and has played with many of the top musicians here .
7 Second , it has been around the definition and significance of culture that some of the sharpest disagreements and disputes in the field of multiculturalism and antiracism have been expressed .
8 cos if he he 's on a twelve hour shift and , those meetings tend to be have been around the same sort of time , then obviously , what we 've got ta be careful about is , adding any more hours
9 ‘ Frank 's been around the course already , he knew what it would be like if MacQuillan got the Post . ’
10 She and her husband Felix had been around the London underground since its birth , apart from a sojourn in the backwater of Munich .
11 as if to illustrate this point I recently spoke to an angler on the Ribble and judging by the distance he held his hands apart — ’ Like this they were ! ’ — his recent catch of ’ two pounders ’ could easily have been around the 6lb mark !
12 But anyway , a lot of the detail , a lot of the detail seems to have been around the , the , the words that have , have , have been used in the document , but I 'll ask Paul to specifically respond to that .
13 Having worked and been around the Brighton first schools for many years , I would very much hope that the transition is not traumatic .
14 Having worked and been around the Brighton first schools for many years , I would very much hope that the transition is not traumatic .
15 I mean we 've er the working party 's actually been around the country looking at various other swimming pools in the areas and er just to get an idea on what we thought Didcot would really like .
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