Example sentences of "[been] using [det] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to tell him that hospitals had been using such beds for years , but he just went into another tantrum .
2 But the storyteller has been using all his art to lead us up the garden path .
3 Within minutes he had reached the streets leading to the allotment gardens that he would skirt , to find the phone box he had been using all the time he had been in hiding .
4 The newspaper industry would be just as hard hit … and they 've been using all the means at their disposal to wage war with the Chancellor .
5 I 'd heard Joe Walsh and Pete Townshend used them quite heavy , and I rather liked the tone they got , so I slowly built it up until I got up as high as I could be comfortable with , and I 've been using that gauge ever since . ’
6 Well I 've been using that what you buy from
7 Surely he had n't been using that tone with her a moment ago ?
8 Been using that thing that we bought .
9 Have you been using that the whole day ?
10 The party has been using some bright capitalist techniques to get itself in election-fighting mettle .
11 This is reasonable , as one would expect deaf people in the USA to have been using some sign language before the imported use of FSL .
12 Because it may be that you th you , you look back and say , Christ , we 've been using those standards since nineteen seventy .
13 I might mention that I have been using these movements since the commencement of my business in 1983 , with outstanding performance both as to accuracy and reliability .
14 She 'd been using these for years , ever since a practical demonstration by an art-school technician fired her to experiment with felting techniques .
15 Dr Dafydd Griffiths , at the Institute of Archaeology , has been using these techniques to find answers to these questions , which could throw considerable light on past trading routes and cultural contacts .
16 We have been using these for only a number of weeks now , but the response has been very encouraging .
17 Opioid use is the top category , and individuals in this group may also have been using any of the drugs in the other five categories .
18 Barbiturates are the second hierarchical category , and individuals in this group may have been using any of the drugs in the four categories below , but not opioids .
19 Er er what should we what have we been u have we been using any particular sort of of form of words Jane ?
20 As he followed her from the room , he said , ‘ Has he been using any new chemicals ? ’
21 ‘ You told me you had n't been using any different chemicals , Bob . ’
22 It may also be appropriate to explain that we have been using both systems , side by side , for over two years with files being transferred between them throughout that time .
23 I 'd been using most of it anyway , like .
24 Moshe Gerstenhaber , chairman of Kall-Kwik Printing , has been using this as a promotional feature : ‘ If ever evidence was needed to prove the merits of franchising , the present difficult trading conditions have to be an example . ’
25 ‘ I 've been using this , but conserving the batteries as much as possible as they 're very low .
26 William IV died shortly afterwards and it has been written that , a search being instituted , it was found that that bluff and breezy monarch had been using this unique ancient artifact as a shaving mug !
27 Everything seemed brittle , and while that 's not uncommon with Strats , I 've been using this guitar regularly and it 's a particularly smooth one .
28 The West Germans had been using this technique to stimulate postwar rebuilding since the 1950s , and the Department of the Environment clearly saw some parallels .
29 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
30 with his permission he thought it was funny he saw the funny side of it as well , but they had this big argument for five minutes cos he thought what he 'd done was right and he said Jesus , I 've been using this for three years for the training in the branch er it makes you wonder does n't it erm but if you 're gon na do practical applications you 've got ta give people relevant examples perhaps you start off basics with an example that is correct and then you start building on that do n't you then you start giving them the deviations and all this sort of stuff .
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