Example sentences of "[been] beat up " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been beaten up once and arrested once . ’
2 By the time we arrive the house is usually wreaked , the kids are in a terrible state , and the wife 's been beaten up , and the father 's lying there stoned , probably taking half-a-dozen peelers to get him out of the house .
3 Jem has been beaten up in the street by three men .
4 Martin Flook , 19 , said he had twice been beaten up in the previous year by Ian Coombes , a passenger in the other vehicle , who was dating his ex-girlfriend .
5 Later , relatives of another polio victim told the Derry Journal that he had been beaten up by a group of policemen when he went to buy cigarettes on the evening of Sunday 6 October .
6 He had not , as far as anyone knew , not that anyone cared , yet been beaten up or raped .
7 MOORS murderer Myra Hindley has been beaten up in prison .
8 Trying to dissuade a father from sending his gay teenager to a psychiatrist ; calming someone who 's just been beaten up in a police cell ; sharing someone 's joy at discovering that there 's another lesbian in the next village , all serve to remove some of the complacency which can so easily set in .
9 It seems they had been beaten up in some way by other prisoners but we do not know who . ’
10 The Home Office spokesman said he could not comment on reports that the men had been beaten up for allegedly ‘ grassing ’ on other prisoners in the wing .
11 Some of the African students taken into custody by the police claimed they had been beaten up .
12 Typical of the man , Ashe seemed more concerned about my welfare , hearing that I had been beaten up outside the stadium by a stick wielding Army officer , than his own .
13 Later , much later , when she had occasion to meet a policeman 's wife , a woman who had been beaten up by her husband for taking a lover on the nights he was on duty , the wife said to her , ‘ Well , you ought to understand .
14 After all , I could have been beaten up because I hinted in the Daily News that there was something improper about the Harley/Supersight deal . ’
15 Joseph Hyde had been beaten up ; systematically , and by someone who knew what they were doing .
16 He passed the day skulking around cafes , and when Georges met him by chance later on he confessed he 'd been beaten up in his flat because he 'd agreed to do a favour for someone and it had gone wrong .
17 Eventually Rain said : ‘ Barbara Coleman has been threatened , Edouard has been beaten up and Sabine Jourdain has been murdered — and all because no one is to know she was the painter and not Durance . ’
18 Sabine Jourdain had been shot , Barbara Coleman had been abducted , someone had tried to strangle Rain , the reception clerk and Cobalt had been beaten up , and Rain and he had been chased through a maze by a man with a ferocious determination on his face .
19 The contact is Georges , the man I mentioned earlier , who told me Edouard had been beaten up .
20 I been beaten up by hoods , framed on a murder rap , beaten up by cops , sent up the river , beaten up by prison bulls , got a last-minute reprieve from the governor , and been beaten up by my girl . ’
21 I been beaten up by hoods , framed on a murder rap , beaten up by cops , sent up the river , beaten up by prison bulls , got a last-minute reprieve from the governor , and been beaten up by my girl . ’
22 He 'd been beaten up , lied to , and left flat on his back in the Underground .
23 I 'm sure she would n't have taken the matter lightly if it had been her own colleagues who had been beaten up and tortured .
24 Anyone who entered the prison had to pay a fee and Athelstan recollected , that one of his parishioners , too poor to pay , had been beaten up for his poverty whilst Fitzosbert had stood by , smiling all the time .
25 And an RUC Special Branch officer had been beaten up a few weeks previously after going to meet his UFF informer in Belfast 's York Road district .
26 There was a house somewhere near , where women who had been beaten up by their husbands stayed .
27 Participants in the meeting had been beaten up and taunted as " Yids " , and the raiders had launched into a diatribe from the platform featuring accusations that Jews , especially through their links with Bolshevism , were responsible for ruining Russia .
28 Other ones here , an anonymous call from Birmingham , I have been beaten up weekly by my ex-husband because he 's been told to pay more .
29 At least one local WWF activist has been beaten up , amid concern that the local police are reluctant to intervene to enforce the law .
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