Example sentences of "[been] [adj] enough " in BNC.

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1 Grandfather had been rich enough to buy the many diamonds it took to make it up .
2 Just as he had been rich enough to build The Towers … .
3 Fair enough — but why had the planets been cruel enough to land her in partnership with the one man in the universe who could drive her crazy with wanting , even as he was — well , just driving her crazy !
4 Had it been broad enough to have included the purpose of the great organised movement its contribution could have been of historical value .
5 Now some councillors say that enquiry might not have been broad enough .
6 The England players have all been friendly enough .
7 When he was n't asleep , Frederick had been friendly enough , though he often laughed loudly for no reason they could see and said things there was no answer to , like , ‘ Wotcha , young Carrie , how 's tricks ? ’
8 Thank you very much Mr President and as you 've been friendly enough to invite me and given me such a friendly welcome , I , I thought I ought to risk speaking to you as candidly as I can about what is going on in our country and our communities at the moment and whether by the end of the thing I continue your friend is another matter .
9 That had been strange enough , but stranger yet was a footnote to the file : a footnote that revealed that far from the Aristotle File being the work of Soren Berdichev , as was claimed on the file itself , it had , in fact , been compiled and authored by the boy .
10 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
11 But she had been rash enough to believe he was starting to care for her .
12 The increasing stocking density evident in Powys over the last 3 decades also explains the broadleaved woodland regeneration problem and clarifies why such woods are now often grazed to billiard table-like turf when in the more distant past grazing levels must have been low enough to allow regeneration .
13 Maybe , but perhaps no estimate would have been low enough .
14 In such regions the temperatures could have been low enough to permit certain volatiles to condense yielding volatile-rich bodies which could survive passage to the Earth .
15 Nevertheless , Walter 's objections had been strong enough for them to yield a little .
16 Rather than being long-standing relationships which have been strong enough to stand ‘ the test of time ’ , as we often assume , they are little more than empty shells which are no longer of any significant mutual support or value .
17 But it had n't been strong enough to make him say :
18 Fortunately the London Union has been strong enough to keep them entirely out but these London houses , as soon as they get beyond the sphere of the …
19 ‘ I should have realized at once — that Frenchman who was killed , the same poison must still have been on the skin of his attackers , and it would almost certainly still have been strong enough to affect him as well !
20 She said : ‘ Would it have been strong enough ? ’
21 Neither Laura nor the young man had been strong enough to withstand their frigidly withering assault .
22 Whereas in the past such external supports of the superego might have been strong enough to compensate at least in part for faulty superego development as a result of difficulties at the phallic-Oedipal stage and might have contributed to the unresolved Oedipal conflict expressing itself as a typical hysteria or obsessional neurosis , today , because such supports are in large part lacking , the outcome is not likely to be the same .
23 Still the evidence had been strong enough before 1848 .
24 *It is only in the last 15 years that the accumulated evidence has been strong enough to conclude that the regular consumption of up to four standard drinks a day may reduce the risk of coronary disease by as much as 50 per cent . ’
25 I 've spent the last two years converting this place in my spare time ; it 's only recently been habitable enough to live in . ’
26 In other circumstances she would have been more than willing to engage in this conversation herself , for it was one she had frequently enjoyed ; she liked Otto , she had always mildly fancied that he liked her , she was amused by the offhand continental gallantries with which he interspersed , absent-mindedly , the rigour of his argument ; but tonight she was tired , her eyes were closing , she had had four hours of party already , had not enjoyed the Hargreaves drama , had not enjoyed her talks with Ivan Warner and Teddy Lazenby , had been polite enough for long enough , and wanted to go home ; so stood at Brian 's elbow , dully , a reproachful wife , slightly annoyed that neither of them took much notice of her , as Otto invoked the name of Max Weber , a name which meant nothing to her at all , a name which excluded her , exhausted her , and provoked her into prodding , yet again , but this time successfully , Brian 's arm , and murmuring of baby-sitter Sharon , who was only sixteen .
27 ‘ This is attractive for when the variable premium goes many farmers will look at early lamb production , which has not been profitable enough in the past when the cost of spongeing was included .
28 Eleanor would have been broad-minded enough to laugh at the whole tale .
29 He felt as if his address was saying to Broch : ‘ Do n't be afraid , you have been afraid enough for us .
30 No , they are threatening a sterling crisis because the fiscal and monetary tightening has not been brutal enough .
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