Example sentences of "[Wh adv] long he " in BNC.

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1 The more difficult question is how long he can continue as a one-man movement .
2 It was unlikely that such luck would fall his way again no matter how long he waited .
3 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
4 Mr Helmsley did not say how long he planned to keep his buildings in mourning , but his wife is expected to be in jail for at least 19 months before she is eligible for parole .
5 He did not know how long he lay there but was woken by the sound of turning pages .
6 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
7 No matter how long he lived in Paris , or how wild his life was , he retained a love for Eugenia and a sense of family honour that jibed awkwardly with the easy amorality of the crowd .
8 How long he has to wait he does n't know .
9 Though how long he will stay there is far from certain .
10 He rose but found his chains would not let him even reach it , so he slumped on the ledge and wondered how long he would be detained .
11 She realized by his use of the word ‘ they ’ instead of ‘ we ’ that he was not a native of the place , and wondered how long he had lived there .
12 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
13 For how long he had dwelt there Allen was unable to find out .
14 I had no idea how long he 'd been standing there .
15 I wondered how long he 'd take to get used to it , to become , in other words , corrupt .
16 She could n't remember now how long he had held her imprisoned , only that it seemed an eternity of immeasurable time .
17 All the scenes she made out of nothing were part of another , more insidious pleasure she was experiencing : she wanted to see how much punishment he would take , how long he would go on bowing his head .
18 I know not how long he will do so .
19 Sometimes he finds it hard to understand what I want to say , but he does n't mind how long he waits while I repeat it , and he always understands in the end .
20 In fact , he was able to take the morning coach to Holborn and walk the brief distance to Clerkenwell , but the fare troubled him and he did not know how long he could afford to pay it .
21 He could n't cry , he could n't feel ; he did n't know how long he stood outside the door , leaning against the greasy wall .
22 How long he lay against Mick he did n't know ; he only knew that between the sounds he had been emitting and the wash of tears that seemed to have drained him dry , a voice within him had kept repeating : ‘ She killed your father , Mick ; she killed your father .
23 John could not concentrate on anything for very long but we were unsure just how long he typically managed .
24 He did n't know how long he could live like this .
25 ‘ We do n't know how long he will be out , but we will certainly miss him . ’
26 Perhaps because he spent so much of his time alone , he told me all about his wife , his two children , the home they had bought in Sanderstown , how long he had been married , where the children went to school — all the details of life in a town of about 60,000 people .
27 It 's in my Quarter , of course — I do n't know how long he 's been dead but I went up there and the doctor was still there .
28 ‘ We do n't know how long he 's been dead , ’ murmured the Marshal , ‘ though it could n't have been long , he was n't …
29 Duncan wondered how long he would last in London or New York traffic .
30 When he was engaged in writing The Cocktail Party , he was asked how long he would devote himself to the theatre rather than to poetry ; he replied , " Until I can convince people that I know how to write a popular play " .
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