Example sentences of "[indef pn] 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's about What what what it is is they 've just someone 's asked me if I 'll just do some recordings of some of the lessons .
2 Someone 's dressed it up to look like a castle out of a fairy tale .
3 Oh , Oh , I took the dog for a walk last tonight , and there 's some skid marks down the end of Crouch Road the there 's the and then they 'd taken half the road out and you can see someone 's done a wheely , and they 've gone in and done like this business and shot off !
4 Oh look he 's done , someone 's done that to his , look , look .
5 If someone 's done half your work for you you 're going to react in a different way .
6 He says that 's a when , he said I ca n't let June come to work he said I was he said first things that went through my mind were someone 's decided to finish , what 's gone off ?
7 Thank God someone 's said it .
8 awful when you hear about yourself , it is horrible and you hear something that someone 's said about you and you think how can they , they just spent the whole day with me or they 've spent , you know exactly your situation like , couple of years of your life with you
9 Or perhaps I should just wait here — perhaps someone 's gone into town to look for me and will come back eventually — ’
10 someone 's gone for a swim
11 Ambulance , thank goodness someone 's remembered , patting this person 's hand , and putting blankets on and reassuring them , telling them everything 's alright , and blood all over the floor , thank god someone 's gone to get the ambulance
12 Actually , me and Joe were saying the other day , like ever erm who was it , someone said something about people being fat or whatever and someone 's gone , oh yeah , like Helena , you know jokingly and erm and me and Joe both turned round and said yeah but she 's not fat though is she , she 's like more you 're more wide are n't you ?
13 Yeah but I mean you ca n't , you do n't pay the money now just cos someone 's moved in .
14 This has gone all wonkey , someone 's moved it !
15 No seriously , you get so much shit at work , if you took it all to heart , you know , you 'd just crack up , and the way I deal with stress like , you know , someone 's made my day .
16 No it means someone 's stopped a program , stopped a printout half way through and it does n't clear the page in
17 He 's quite pleased to think that someone 's given him a hole to get into .
18 it 's someone 's given you a list look it 's that learn it .
20 Someone 's beaten us to it . ’
21 And then that your , your household is well , the sort of er , someone 's lost their job , you know , you start what are we 're gon na do ?
22 Someone 's fixed these dice I tell you !
23 Someone 's phoned in to say they found it on the grass .
24 Someone 's chucked it down there and they 've gone off and forgot it and they do n't even know who I am .
25 I mean if obviously the child is reacting in some way or feels that they ca n't even relax when they 're at home , erm then someone 's overstepped the mark .
26 What , someone 's eaten them .
27 If someone 's expelled for drugs you know do n't you think everyone else would think hey , you know ?
28 someone 's let him down
29 If it 's later established that death was due to a blow on the head with a blunt instrument , the police are going to find that golf-club and start asking awkward questions , so she puts it round that someone 's nicked it . ’
30 Someone 's tipped him off that Sabine Jourdain was painting Durance 's pictures .
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