Example sentences of "[being] able [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
2 Being able to side-slip , therefore , is a useful safety valve and has prevented many a nasty accident .
3 ‘ Imagine being able to radio to base .
4 ‘ I get satisfaction from being able to be involved in a number of activities in the part of the world where
5 Their contemporary , Batty Langley , advertised in the City and County Builder 's Treasury as being able to ‘ design and build Grottos , Cascades , Caves , Temples , Pavilions , and other Rural Buildings of Pleasure … in the Grand Taste ’ , and this is what the Halfpennys did for Clutterbuck .
6 No amount of insisting that black fashion , black history and black speech are as valid as white alters the fact that to get a decent job means to work where being able to ‘ act white ’ pays .
7 Some sponges have the property of being able to ‘ rebuild ’ their colonies of cells if they are mashed up .
8 They gave me the vitally important gift of being able to ‘ feel ’ an audience , a precious sixth sense that can not be taught .
9 He appreciated how that quality was still apparent tonight ; although now , in the half-light , he thought he could detect something else : relief , perhaps , at being able to unburden herself at last .
10 The carrying system worked well for me and being broad-shouldered and thick-necked I particularly appreciated being able to properly and permanently adjust the width between the shoulder straps .
11 In a previous book , King of the Confessors , Hoving admits to being able to ‘ lie convincingly without any hesitation ’ .
12 The teacher 's perception is likely to be affected by his feelings about the pupil , dented self-confidence through not being able to be a ‘ good enough ’ teacher to him , which a more objective analysis may help to restore .
13 When , in the last play of the Henry VI trilogy , the future Richard III is presenting to the audience his capabilities — as if auditioning for the role of hypocrite — he exults at being able to By grouping all those exempla of deceit Shakespeare makes us unconscious of the initial role-playing of the actor involved , alerting us to the deceptions he is about to foist on others .
14 Sequoia Systems Inc , Marlborough , Massachusetts , has come up with Sequoia Support Network , claiming an industry-first in being able to instantaneously detect and automatically respond to system errors anywhere in the world .
15 Being able to be himself he could talk to teachers from the heart in a way which was amusing , touching and inspiring .
16 Erm and certainly I think I think in going to neighbourhood panels it was it was to serve a democratic process of tenants being able to panels local to their that area and I think in that sense erm it has been successful and certainly , I think as far as we were concerned er , it avoids the perhaps intimidating nature of , of tenants appearing in a large centre of the various panel which er I think was er , certainly one of the members wishes when we started on a neighbourhood basis but , yes it was our intention and , I would think that it 's quite reasonable to ask us to bring the report to the next meeting er with a better explanation of how the council works so far .
17 Negotiating skill is more than simply being able to ‘ get on with people ’ , it demands the art of managing an encounter with a polluter .
18 But it will scarcely be more , nor need it be more , than the mere fact of no name being able to be clearly attached to the murderer till the book is nearly over .
19 Men , there are men who hate women , I agree with that but there are men who love and respect a a th what a woman is for how how good and and stre , the strength of women who can make you feel good and who who gives you the power of being able to be yourself and I I 'm sorry I I , that is part of it , I think there are two sides .
20 Arguably , too , the listener to recorded music is in a position to take a more active part in the music , by deciding how and when to listen by being able to ‘ edit ’ recordings to make up his or her own programmes on cassette tape .
21 In , in being able to stage or grade them .
22 Erm we also offered everything from sort of secretarial help and er use of photocopiers and duplicators , to the tenants ' group , through to I guess being able to perhaps suggest to them who in the council it might be that they needed to speak to , or perhaps tactically how to go about achieving their particular aims .
23 This varies from a reluctance to enrol bilingual students onto courses on the grounds that their English is ‘ not good enough ’ through feelings of helplessness at not being able to ‘ get through ’ to bilingual students to a wish to learn about approaches and materials that will enable these students to complete courses and pass examinations .
24 However , there is evidence to suggest that some women distrusted other methods of birth control , and particularly that of male withdrawal ; not all women could reckon on either being able to ‘ push him out of the way when I think it 's near ’ , or on their husbands ' constant exercise of self-control .
25 He will also obviate the effects of early disappointments at not being able to " speak like a native " after several weeks of study .
26 Erm one from Paddy and I have an official letter er apologizing for not being able to be here .
27 Here Dickens stayed for his holiday one year , baulked of being able to rant Fort House as he desired .
28 Being able to was not the same as being willing to , however , and the icy glare of the semi-nude man in front of her was n't encouraging .
29 I give my apologies for not being able to be present myself .
30 B A er had a very clear dominance at Heathrow , erm it was a dominance that erm has effectively been erm given to them on a plate by the government , or successive governments over the last fifty years , erm and which in effect saw off you know , Laker , B Cal , Dan Air , Air Europe , erm and er and er and er it 's it 's them having that dominance and then being able to erm er effectively misuse that dominance by er by using the dom the dominance on say the routes which say Virgin Atlantic do n't fly to er actually damage Virgin on on on the routes that erm that we do fly .
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