Example sentences of "[adj -est] son was " in BNC.

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1 The youngest son was kept alive , to be reared as a Muslim . ’
2 Throughout the long days of his recovery , the Youngest Son was never left alone .
3 I had not seen Um Hamed since those frightening days when the Youngest Son was in hospital .
4 His youngest son was known to Regency society by the sobriquet Poodle Byng .
5 The Dean 's youngest son was twenty-two .
6 He kissed her , held her to the breast where the skin of the youngest son was warmed by his own skin , and the horn of the stag kept the life and the memory of the youngest son alive .
7 Apparently that imperious woman , Lady Nancy Wyndham , felt that her youngest son was marrying well beneath him , although her husband had been very kind and friendly .
8 ‘ When my youngest son was born , we clocked him in to the second .
9 John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married , but I do n't think Will 's mother wanted him to marry so young .
10 Janet Cohen , a merchant banker and novelist , confesses : ‘ I went quite mad last summer when my eldest son was doing his A-levels .
11 In 1170 , Henry 's eldest son was crowned by the Archbishop of York and was henceforward called ‘ the Young King ’ Henry .
12 It was occupied by the Fry family — the eldest son was Sergeant Major of St. Martin 's Church Lads Brigade who used to camp out in bell tents at Shady Bower during the summer months .
13 But in France and England , by the early twelfth century , it was generally expected that the vassal would pay an ‘ aid ’ when the lord was captured in war and had to be ransomed , when his eldest son was knighted , and when his eldest daughter was married .
14 ‘ At that point Prince Philip told his wife that their eldest son was unsuitable to become monarch in the foreseeable future — if ever , ’ says a senior royal insider . ’
15 An examination of the naming patterns used by the Titfords of Frome would suggest at a cursory glance that every eldest son was named after his paternal grandfather , as a matter of course .
16 She knew that her eldest son was involved in all manner of criminal activities , that he was thought of as a kind of mobster .
17 He sent Richard on ahead while he travelled south through Berry , where once again his eldest son was making heavy weather of the task assigned to him .
18 The companion print , ‘ Temperance Enjoying a Frugal Meal ’ , depicts the King and Queen as mean as their eldest son was spend-thrift .
19 Rostov now knew that Burun 's eldest son was called Jotan , and that he was married to a grand-daughter of the Kha-Khan .
20 Burun 's eldest son was a tall rangy man with a lot of muscle and sinew .
21 His eldest son was the scholar Sir Andrew Baynton ( 1515/16–1564 , q.v. ) , a pupil of the court tutor John Palsgrave [ q.v. ] and , like three other sons , a Wiltshire MP .
22 Her eldest son was killed in an air raid on Liverpool in 1941 , the second died in Australia in 1973 , the third ( aged nine months ) in 1909 , and two of her daughters in 1948 and 1967 respectively .
23 In the patrilineal extended families of the Nambudiri landlord aristocrats only the eldest son was allowed to marry with full Vedic rites so as to produce legitimate children .
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