Example sentences of "[num ord] [adj] election " in BNC.

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1 The second funniest election story , also courtesy of the Telegraph 's excellent City Diary , is that Grand Metropolitan chairman Sir Allen Sheppard has cancelled his headquarters ' subscriptions to the Financial Times because it came out for Labour .
2 The prize could be growing popularity as the economy recovers — and the chance to choose the best moment for a second general election which would produce an outright majority .
3 MR ASHDOWN , the Liberal Democrat leader , stressed yesterday that without a commitment to proportional representation in the Queen 's Speech the Liberal Democrats would seek to vote it down and force a second general election .
4 Dealers are worried that a minority government , which might have to consider seeking a firmer mandate by calling a second general election later in the year , would be hard pressed to keep sterling within its exchange rate mechanism bands during a period of continuing uncertainty .
5 Lansdowne and Law could only accede with as good a grace as they could muster ; the party was therefore committed to a full policy of imperial preference , but food taxes would be excluded unless approved by a second general election .
6 All this surfaced when a second general election was called to provide a bridge to lead into that ‘ last stage ’ before Independence .
7 By 1950 the party was able to win a second general election with an increased vote .
8 Bulgaria 's second general election since the fall of the communist administration in 1989 was held on Oct. 13 .
9 The second general election since the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime in December 1989 were held on Sept. 27 [ for May 1990 elections see pp. 37441-37442 ] .
10 At the time of the second General Election of 1701 we hear of a club of Tory MPs who subscribed a guinea a head for batches of Davenant 's papers to be given away among acquaintances " as antidotes against the poison that is spread by the other side , who spare no cost to scatter their libels … round the kingdom " .
11 ( b ) The second Conservative election ( 1975 )
12 That is why the contests for the Labour Party 's leadership and deputy leadership sit so ill in the context of the continuing post-mortem — or biopsy , as Neil Kinnock insisted on calling it — after Labour 's fourth consecutive election defeat .
13 This was the fourth legislative election since the Iranian revolution in 1979 , previous ones having been held in March 1980 , May 1984 and April 1988 .
14 Last Thursday was the sixth general election in a row in which Labour failed to win the support of 40 per cent of voters .
15 This was the sixth general election in a row in which Labour failed to win the support of 40 per cent of voters .
16 Yet this is now the fourth general election in a row in which Scotland has had a Tory government imposed upon it against the wishes and the votes of the overwhelming majority of its people .
17 Good morning , hope you all enjo hope you all enjoyed the meeting last night and er just by way of a change today we 've got er er resolutions and debates on the Labour Party and from one socialist party to another can I extend the warmest congratulations of the G M B Labour Party Conference to our comrades in Spain who 've been successful in winning a fourth general election .
18 When the results became known the party leader , Konstantinos Mitsotakis , met with the single member of a small centre-right party , Democratic Renewal ( Komma Dimokratikis Ananeosis — DIANA ) , who agreed to give external support to an ND government to break the deadlock and avoid a fourth general election .
19 Papua New Guinea held its fourth general election since independence with polling taking place between June 13 and June 27 .
20 BONN ( Reuter ) — Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's Christian Democrats suffered their fourth successive election setback this year in voting yesterday in North Rhine-Westphalia , West Germany 's most populous state .
21 Yes , it has lost its fourth successive election .
22 Despite continuing economic problems , Hawke 's chances of achieving a fourth successive election victory were improved by the government 's decision to ease its restrictive monetary policies and to allow a reduction in the country 's high level of interest rates .
23 The indefinite postponement , of what would have been the country 's first direct election of mayors and provincial governors since 1961 , had led to opposition charges of dictatorship against the DLP .
24 Earlier yesterday , Inkatha and the Kwazulu black homeland government submitted a memorandum saying that negotiators should debate federalism , violence and other constitutional principles before naming the day for the country 's first all-race election .
25 Voters left two dominant impressions as they queued in the hot sun — their determination to cast their ballots in the first free election since Germany began the European conquest of Namibia more than a century ago , and their orderly , disciplined behaviour in the searing heat .
26 D-mark bond prices fell , but the currency soared as East Germany 's conservative Alliance for Germany won 48% of the vote in the country 's first free election .
27 The first free election after the war was in the Bavarian village of Wohlmutschüll , in the US zone in August 1945 , for the position of Mayor .
28 In a surprise result , Burundians voted in their first democratic election since 1962 to boot out their military president , Pierre Buyoya , in favour of a banker , Melchior Ndadaye .
29 Czechoslovakia goes to the polls this month in the first democratic election since 1946 .
30 The ( communist ) MPRP had continued in government in Mongolia after the country 's first democratic election in 1990 [ see p. 37609-10 ] , and was providing the impetus towards political liberalization and the move to a market economy .
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