Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] limited " in BNC.

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1 They are mostly limited to the accident and emergency department , the coronary care unit , and the intensive care unit ; results from general wards are depressingly poor .
2 The resources of the AIB and its equivalent organisations throughout the world are necessarily limited for reasons of economy , and the person in charge has to deploy his forces in the most effective manner he can devise while at the same time always keeping enough reserves in hand in case of a major catastrophe .
3 The identity of the member States of an inter-governmental organisation is a matter of public record and the numbers are necessarily limited .
4 It is inappropriate simply to throw money at these problems in the hope that they will be consequently solved , since the resources available for deployment are necessarily limited .
5 Supplies are obviously limited and prices start from £550 including case
6 To begin with , its uses are somewhat limited by its bland taste — even enthusiasts agree that it needs to absorb flavours in a recipe such as a stir-fry or casserole to draw out its best qualities : though arguably it has slightly more taste and texture than tofu , tempeh and TVP .
7 As I explain in more detail in a recent report for the Electricity Consumers ' Council ( Nuclear Power and the Economic Interests of Consumers ) the CEGB 's figures for nuclear fuel-cycle costs are extremely limited and contain internal inconsistencies .
8 Yet such groups are extremely limited in their scope .
9 Verbatim notes provide an exact record of what has been said or what happened , but the times when you require this are extremely limited .
10 Nutrients are extremely limited , and the lakes support only thin populations of algae and bacteria .
11 The facilities available for in-house training , external education , and small public demonstrations , are extremely limited .
12 They may be imposed in the form of obligations of strict liability to which defences are extremely limited or in more general and voluntary concepts of negligent omissions and commissions .
13 The S.C.C. operates mainly on a grant from the CTC , but as this amounts to only £600 per annum our resources are extremely limited .
14 At present its imports are extremely limited , diplomats and tourists consuming some 150,000 cases a year , but this is changing and the market potential is for 35,000,000 cases , similar to the UK .
15 PC Barry said : ‘ The facilities available available in the village are extremely limited at the moment .
16 The counterpart to this is that they are naturally limited intellectually and so not actively encouraged to excel in academic and the more cerebral pursuits and , of course , they do not .
17 The variations are virtually endless and are only limited by the imagination of the individual .
18 Felt boards are very versatile , and they are only limited by the imagination of the teacher .
19 However , these advantages are unlikely to be important if scale economies are only limited in extent , and cost-based pricing is certainly easier to adopt .
20 In terms of regulations as to permitted forms of investment , investment trusts are only limited by the listing requirements of the Stock Exchange :
21 These are normally limited to relational databases .
22 These are normally limited to relational databases .
23 Benefits are normally limited to 12 or 24 months .
24 Grants are normally limited to £500 but , in exceptional cases , may be more .
25 Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places , so booking in advance is essential .
26 If formed from viscous magma they are normally limited in lateral extent but where composed of basic rocks they may extend for thousands of square kilometres .
27 Furthermore , their literary merits are generally limited .
28 The semantic relations encoded in ‘ Motherese ’ are generally limited to the restricted set of relations which the children themselves use .
29 Phosphorus that diffuses upward from the bottom is absorbed by the accumulated bacteria and algal cells at the top of the anoxic layer ; very little penetrates to the less saline layers above , which are thus limited to the very small amounts brought in by Onyx River .
30 We 're only limited to go up to forty really are n't we ?
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