Example sentences of "[Wh det] views are " in BNC.

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1 In other words , how does one determine which views are ‘ significant ’ and also ensure that these views are represented ?
2 On one side stand the absolutists , such as Fay Weldon and Harold Pinter , who feel that burning and banning books is intolerable ; on the other stand the pragmatists who feel that freedom of expression is not an absolute good and that censorship ( self-imposed , imposed by neighbours or by Parliament ) is justified to protect the sensibilities of those whose views are fundamentalist , and thus illiberal .
3 The motion states : ‘ To recruit almost exclusively from the narrow minority group of Guardian readers whose views are predominantly leftwing is contrary to the spirit of the obligations of political balance in broadcasting and is an explanation of the self-righteous and unctuous hostility of broadcasters towards the present Government . ’
4 One explanation for all the flying muck is that , after such a long campaign , the candidates ( whose views are similar on many issues ) simply ran out of things to say .
5 After this interview , their success or failure depends upon their winning the good opinion of existing judges whose views are canvassed informally by civil servants in the Lord Chancellor 's office .
6 The trouble with the new community councils is that they have largely fallen into the hands of the incoming middle-class whose views are likely to be coincident with the dominant ideology .
7 They reject the normativist criticism that they are ‘ constructivist rationalists ’ whose views are founded on the ‘ synoptic delusion ’ .
8 We also monitor the way this code works , and regularly consult with the Post Office Users ' National Council , whose views are taken into account in representing your interests .
9 One might however comment that it is possibly the case that those theologians whose views are now quoted as the word of God , or whose theological reasoning is taken over without question , may not have believed theology to exist independently of human knowledge or social conditions .
10 This view of economic change is not shared by the other two theoretical accounts , whose views are set out in sections 3.4 and 3.5 .
11 If a conspiracy theorist can make such a suggestion about a fellow theorist whose views are being closely followed , then there is wide scope for argumentation within the conspiracy tradition .
12 The Militant Tendency is an organization of Labour Party members whose views are far to the Left of traditional Labour doctrines .
13 ‘ Sir , ’ they say , ‘ thank God there is someone … restored my faith in human nature … performed a signal service … struck a blow for common sense and ordinary human decency … exposed the hypocrisy of those who for our sins are set in authority over us … expressed what the vast majority of people fed … spoken up for the minority whose views are never taken into account … ’
14 It is unlikely that there are an enormous number of institutions doing major work in this area whose views are not recorded here , and the proportion of institutions represented is reasonably high for a postal survey .
15 A meeting with somebody for discussion or conference , eg between an employer and an applicant for a post or a journalist meeting someone whose views are requested ; if may be an oral examination where the candidate 's conversational ability and cultural knowledge are tested ( the scored interview ) .
16 But the idea of shared management is not trivial and dissent will therefore either be camouflaged — but still be there — or the party whose views are overridden will feel that it was , after all , only a nominal attempt at agreement and partnership which was intended .
17 It is especially important with regard to those people whose views are very different from one 's own .
18 It is only a short way from this position to punishment of artists whose views are seen as heretical , a tendency which led in medieval times to burnings at the stake and , more recently , to the horrors of the Maoist ‘ cultural revolution ’ .
19 There will be no wavering from the course of reform , there will be no more compromises with people whose views are beyond the pale .
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