Example sentences of "[Wh det] interests are " in BNC.

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1 The modern mass media fit very well into communist notions of society as a collectivity , the name given to the ‘ masses ’ of workers and peasants whose interests are best served by a vanguard political party .
2 Instead , what matters is to answer the question : 'In whose interests are ‘ facts ' ’ reported or disputed ? ’
3 But classes sometimes take up ‘ class positions ’ which are out of line with these interests — they form alliances with classes whose interests are antagonistic to their own , adopt strategies doomed to defeat , and so on — and the second of Poulantzas ' categories is designed to accommodate this phenomenon .
4 By contrast , sociology 's more popular rivals are necessarily constrained by the requirements of their own , rather different , audience , the mass audience , whose interests are more practical , more ideological or more aesthetic .
5 For other Marxists ‘ input ’ politics are meaningless because they are monopolized by the capitalists , whose interests are the only ones to which state officials pay attention .
6 Whilst choice theories firmly limit the range of legal obligations to the parties to an agreement , the ‘ harm to interests ’ theory envisages a broader range of obligations owed not only to persons who have chosen to enter an agreement together but also to anyone whose interests are subjected to the risk of harm .
7 In literature , music , the cinema ( at least in Europe ) and painting , works of art are more cerebral than ever , more difficult , more inaccessible , less penetrable , not just by the masses whose interests are so patronisingly espoused by politicians but also ( even though they dare not always admit it ) by those who really want to be involved .
8 The same problem also arises if the conglomerate owes obligations to two separate groups of customers whose interests are capable of coming into conflict .
9 Whose interests are best being served ?
10 In as much , however , as the cultural forms thereby produced become the external environment through which emerge other groups whose interests are not identical , and indeed may be contrary , to their own , we are faced with the situation described in the discussion of building styles above , where the dominated group is forced to attempt to invest itself in the domain of culture represented by the built environment in terms of a set of objects whose initial meanings are antagonistic to its own interests .
11 When we come up to date with the recent rise of ‘ law and order ideology ’ encouraged by politicians of the Right , Marxists need have little difficulty perceiving whose interests are being served ( Hall et al. , 1979 ; Hall 1979 , 1990 ) .
12 This means that they should be ready to hear not only the particular applicant but also any other persons or bodies whose interests are affected .
13 This means that they should be ready to hear not only the particular applicant but also any other persons or bodies whose interests are affected .
14 You can join a society whose interests are your own : this is clearly your first choice .
15 Chapter 12 will consider more comprehensive arrangements for participation in decision making by the group whose interests are most intimately bound up with the company , the employees .
16 And the pervasion of such a principle of de-differentiation presumes a new set of social actors , the new , post-industrial middle classes whose interests are furthered by such a process .
17 It most often relates to commercial matters and the solicitor is engaged in bridging cultures and resolving conflicting laws of different countries to produce cohesive and sound agreements for clients whose interests are multi-jurisdictional .
18 Some firms of solicitors have offices in Brussels so that they can provide a good quality of service to their clients whose interests are governed directly by Community law .
19 This course has proved of great value to students with little or no knowledge of the ancient languages , especially those whose interests are mainly in English or other European literatures , or in art history .
20 Work design does not reflect the imperatives of technology , but rather the need to control employees whose interests are in conflict with employers .
21 When we are influenced to vote or support a cause by those whose interests are transnational we are engaged in a typical political transnational practice .
22 What are the common wages of labour , depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties , whose interests are by no means the same .
23 This has been possible because the phrase ‘ sufficient interest ’ is very vague and leaves it largely up to the courts to decide what interests are sufficient .
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