Example sentences of "[Wh det] 's [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What 's what 's he mean by it what am I supposed to do .
2 So what kind of people live here that we what 's what 's made it go you you said that it 's got one of the s what are the kind of things that go on now , that wo did n't go on before ?
3 What 's what what 's caused this ?
4 I I I think erm a lot of teachers would now look back on those days with er a certain fondness now bearing in mind what 's what 's happened since and the the the succession of education secretaries we 've had since since then I mean had the only one in recent years who I would say has attempted a genuine dialogue with the teachers and tried to do something constructive is John McGregor .
5 What 's she do then ? ’
6 What 's she know about you ? ’ he muttered as he led Bones back inside .
7 What 's she look like ?
8 She says what 's sh what 's she do ?
9 What 's she say ?
10 Wh what 's she look like ?
11 Why what 's she do ?
12 What 's she put on for me ?
13 What 's she say dad ?
14 What 's he keep all that stuff for ? ’
15 What 's he want a mounting block for ?
16 ‘ Your brother Nails , what 's he do ? ’
17 ‘ But if it all went wrong for Michael Jackson , what 's he do ? ’
18 And what 's he want now ? ’
19 What 's he mean , ‘ slug him from behind ’ ?
20 What 's what 's he mean by it what am I supposed to do .
21 if you I think it happens when you 're worrying about something else in the word and you 're concentrating on something else thinking , Ooh what 's he want here is it going to be an E I or an I E or what .
22 What 's he mean ? ’ asked Simpson .
23 What 's he say , Méli ? ’
24 What 's he know about it that we do n't ?
25 What 's he want to be in the nude for ? "
26 What 's he want ? ’
27 What 's he mean ? ’
28 What 's he say ?
29 What 's he say ?
30 What 's he call it this morning ?
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