Example sentences of "[Wh det] allow they " in BNC.

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31 They 've got together to form a barter scheme , using a special currency which allows them to work for each other without REAL money changing hands .
32 In the third term they embark on a general survey of the History of Medicine and Science which allows them to put other subjects which the study into their historical context .
33 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
34 My own marginality with its reflexive potential in some ways mirrored their experience , for some members of the counter-culture stood apart , in a position which allowed them to renounce , ridicule , or reject society 's cherished structures of significance .
35 What , Europe wondered , were they looking for on their whirlwind tour which allowed them an average of twenty-eight hours at every city they investigated ?
36 The Hussites held out successfully until , in 1436 , an agreement was reached which allowed them to consolidate their achievements .
37 But now M Philippe Maystadt , Belgian Finance Minister , has abolished the system which allowed them to set 100 per cent of the bill against tax as a business expense , she said .
38 In England older men could get contract work for hedging and ditching , maintaining public spaces , or minor building repairs , which allowed them to work at their own pace .
39 Many were following the old General ( later Combined ) Degree which allowed them to study three subjects for finals .
40 Lord Rawdon felt no one should be arrested for owing less than £20 , as it was when George I came to the throne ; that a creditor should pay the debtor he had put in prison 4s 8d a week ; and the warden of The Fleet and the marshal of the King 's Bench Prison ( who made around £3,000 a year out of fees ) should be compensated if the rules were abolished which allowed them their fees .
41 Unfortunately , all the clever work in the midfield which allowed them to create overlaps and scoring opportunities was wasted due to their lack of pace out wide .
42 ‘ The Indians who initally came here in the Sixties had skills and capital which allowed them to move into small businesses , ’ said Dr Owen , research fellow at the Centre for Ethnic Relations at Warwick University .
43 Hence they could cope better with heavy manual labour , which allowed them to pause when they chose , than with continuous process work , both of the latter being growing trends in industry .
44 The overwhelming need was just for more films and so nobody really worried if there were a few strange films somewhere along the spectrum and similarly , as there was a need for lots of directors and cameramen , there was no harm in making films which allowed them to gain experience .
45 The Greeks spent several centuries under the heel of the Ottoman empire , which allowed them no form of self-government except in church matters ( about which the Turks were on the whole remarkably liberal ) .
46 On the Sunday I met my parents and , courtesy of Jack , handed over sponsor 's tickets which allowed them into any part of the course and the clubhouse and also provided tickets for lunch .
47 It did so well that the King gave a charter to the ‘ gentlemen adventuring into Hudson 's Bay ’ which allowed them a monopoly of trade in the whole area of the rivers and streams running into the Bay .
48 This , of course , could be said of any of Edward 's leading associates , since it was their relationship to the crown which allowed them to draw lesser royal servants into their service .
49 The children received either a task which required them to make use of temporal order information ( the temporal task ) , or a task which allowed them to make use of causal direction information ( the causal task ) .
50 They sought alternative explanations of how the process might work , which allowed them to believe that Nature was driven by something higher than mere selfishness .
51 If one may suspend conscience , and forget the conditions and costs of labour which allowed them to create this wealth , then these streets — as they do in London and Edinburgh , and still to be seen in Dublin — define the comfort of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century middle classes .
52 However , in 1896 the South African mining bureaucracy took MacArthur through their courts to prove an esoteric weakness in the patent , which allowed them to avoid royalty payments to the man who had rejuvenated their industry .
53 Many more women sought separations after the passing of the 1886 Act , which allowed them to do so on grounds of the husband 's unwillingness or inability to maintain , although in practice the legislation provided them with little material assistance .
54 During the miners ' strike , for instance , it hosted dayschools and conferences for ordinary NUM members and miners ' wives groups , which allowed them to discuss the direction that events were taking .
55 According to some reports at one point an Aounist unit laid a " white flag trap " which allowed them to shoot dead up to 150 unsuspecting Syrian soldiers .
56 This , of course , could be said of any of Edward 's leading associates , since it was their relationship to the crown which allowed them to draw lesser royal servants into their service .
57 Both HWIM and Hearsay-II used an architecture which allowed them to experiment with alternative means of getting started .
58 Indeed , an unusual number of great scientists wrote in terms which allowed them to be readily popularised — sometimes excessively so — Darwin , Pasteur , the physiologists Claude Bernard ( 1813–78 ) and Rudolf Virchow ( 1821–1902 ) and Helmholtz ( 1821–94 ) ( see p. 315 ) , not to mention physicists like William Thompson , Lord Kelvin .
59 But if you did n't have an A licence , most firms that had got their own vehicles could get a C licence which allowed them to keep th take their own goods in er er that they used for their own practices to wherever they were going to but did n't y allow you to take anybody else 's .
60 While the Baby Bells try to sell corporate customers advanced services using their own networks , AT&T offers the same lot of customers PABXs which allow them to do exactly the same things .
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